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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

"So? what should I do now?" Law said as he was currently being accompanied by Nezu out of his office

"You have nothing to worry about, I'll tell you the details about what you'll do tomorrow, you should relax today since you were basically plunged to a world and have no idea where you are! so you can take It easy and rest or take a stroll inside the school!" Nezu said happily "I'll also help with the arrangement of the rooms you two will stay in and prepare your Temporary Teaching and Heroes License so you can officially teach here" Nezu finished with a unreadable smile 

"Thanks, Nezu-ya, I think I'll take up your offer" Law said and began to walk away

"Oh, and also, If a student, teacher or a staff asks who you are, just tell them that you're here to visit me, I want to be the one to announce who you really are to the teachers and staff" Nezu chuckled 

Law didn't reply as he only raised his hand and waved 

While walking, Law used his Haki to try to pick Luffy's presence up, He Immediately found him and proceeded to go towards Luffy's destination and tell him the things that happened and transpired during his talk with Nezu

I Time skip I 

As Law walked and looked around the cafeteria, he Immediately saw Luffy eating along with mountain of plates that towered over him as he continue to devour food his stretching hands laid on 

He also saw Izuku there talking to someone, beside him is a small brunette with big round brown colored eyes and with two permanent blushes on her cheek, he also saw a tall spectacle wearing blue haired boy beside Luffy, yelling at him while moving his hands in a weird chopping motion, the boy was most likely berating Luffy at the way he eat, Law just sighed and walked towards them

"Izuku-ya" Law called as Izuku and the small brunette he's talking to turned towards him

Izuku's eyes widen as he saw him and smiled while the brunette girl just looked at him with confusion

"I'm done talking with Nezu-ya, and for today he told me that I could just take It easy and relax or maybe take a stroll in the school" Law said as he took a sit beside Izuku

"Really? then should I accompany you today? We got the whole day today since our sensei told us that today's a free day!" Izuku said happily 

"Thanks, Izuku-ya, I guess I'll take up your offer and take a scroll after eating" Law said as he began eating Izuku beamed at him

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