Straw Hat Luffy and The Surgeon of Death

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

Student and Teacher's Cottage

"So are you guys all here?" Aizawa asked as he looked at the two sections of class

The Teachers were currently head counting the two section of students as they wait for the buses and prepared to leave the Forest Training Camp

"We're all here sensei! Class 1-B is all here!" Kendo loudly replied to him

Before Aizawa could breathe a sigh of relief he heard a loud shriek

"SENSEI! DEKU-KUN, TODOROKI-KUN AND BAKUGOU-KUN ARE GONE!" Uraraka yelled loudly, she was visibly shaken

"WHAT?!" Aizawa, Hizashi, Vlad King and both of the classes screams chorused

"Those problem childs! where the heck are they?... wait... DONT TELL ME!" Aizawa's eyes widen in horror as he thought of the possibility of where the three of them are

"HIZASHI, VLAD TAKE THE STUDENTS OUT OF HERE WHEN THE BUSES ARRIVES! I'LL GO OUT TO LOOK FOR THE THREE OF THEM" Aizawa yelled to the two as he frantically ran towards the door and went outside

"WHAT?! BUT WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF YOU? SHOTA!" Hizashi called out but Aizawa didn't reply as he burst opened the door and quickly ran outside

Hizashi, Vlad and the students could only stare at the door that Aizawa went out to with concern

"Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, please be safe!.." Aizawa thought worriedly of the three as he continued to ran deeper at the forest in the middle of the cold night...

The League of Villains and the two men glared at each other in silence, eyeing and waiting for each other to make the first move

Shigaraki soon broke the deafening silence with a commanding voice

"Gigantomachia, Kill." Shigaraki simply uttered and soon the Gigantomachia roared loudly, the giant's outcry was so loud that it was heard through out the whole forest

Gigantomachia began to knock down the trees around him as the giant began to audaciously charge towards the two men who wordlessly stood still

"Room" the man uttered and in his hand, a blue sphere appeared that grew wide and swallowed the Gigantomachia along with the Villains

"Be careful! he's gonna do something!" Mr. Compress warned them but it was already to late, they've became the 'patients' the moment they were engulfed by the blue sphere

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