Side Story: Lunch Time

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

It was only his second day at school but Luffy managed to befriend all of his classmates Including the Big 3 who he greatly got along with as the second day of Luffy's school life started normally

The moment the bell rang, Luffy woke up Immediately as he was sleeping during class and rushed toward the Cafeteria to eat, he managed to survive the class for two days because of Lunch Time, It was probably his favorite time at the school

Luffy then arrived at the Cafeteria, he was the only student there, probably because he's the first one to arrive

Luffy then went to buy food using the money he got from the principal

As he was searching for the money the principal had lent him, he noticed that someone was looking at him

He looked up and saw Lunch Rush, the cook that he acknowledged as second only to Sanji when It comes to cooking, he got to try his food yesterday and was satisfied and then they had a showdown on who's gonna break first, Luffy's stomach for overeating or Lunch Rush's body for overcooking, every students at the cafeteria at that time was placing their bets but their showdown ended up with a draw as they now formed a weird bond of being frienemies

Luffy then started walking up to Lunch Rush with money in hand

"Luffy-kun you don't have to go here you can just wait at a table, I'll deliver the food for you" Lunch Rush said to him but Luffy didn't stop as he continue to walk towards Lunch Rush

"Oh? you're approaching me? Instead of just sitting there to wait for your food you're coming right at me?" Lunch Rush dramatically said

"I can't get more food If you're the one's delivering It to me!" Luffy declared narrowing his eyes as he continued to walk towards Lunch Rush menacingly...

"Oh ho! then come get as much food as you want!" Lunch Rush said and began to run at the kitchen to cook

Luffy was then carrying a buttload of food as he went to look for a table to eat

The Cafeteria was starting to be crowded by students as they started buying food to eat to help them last until school's over

Luffy was seen alone at a table full of food eating when he was approached by his three classmates

"Heya Luffy-kun! can we join you?" The blonde tall boy with a cartoonish looking face said to him, this is Mirio Togata, The unofficial leader of The Big 3

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