A Discovery

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

That Night at Kyudai Garaki's Hospital

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" All for One angrily yelled, he was livid after he heard what Shigaraki had said to him when he connected his consciousness to him, Dabi and Spinner flinched because they were startled and surprised when they heard the Symbol of Evil cursed out loud and decided to ask him what was wrong

"Holy shit Old Man, I didn't know you had it in you... did something bad happened?" Dabi asked curiously to All for One who was shaking violently in his Hospital Bed while clenching his fist and gritting his teeth to calm himself down but it was not working, All for One could only look at Dabi and Spinner with an expression mixed of Anger and Frustration...

"Tomura... that fool Abandoned us!"

At the same time with Law

Law was pissed.

He was again asked by the Mouse Dog Bear Principal Nezu to go to the Hospital to visit the two Villains to check their current situation, of course Law wanted to refuse but Nezu had told him that he'll promise that this will be the last time he'd go there, Nezu also promised that he'll give him more books to read so he could learn more about their World so Law had no choice but to accept his condition and went to do Nezu's errand for him

Law soon arrived at the Villain Rehabilitation Hospital... well where the Hospital used to stand that is... 

"This is..." Law was dumbstruck as he saw that the place where the once tall Hospital Building stood was gone... for huge building like a Hospital to disappear without a trace or clues... as if..

"It was Disintegrated! So that Villain escaped huh..." Law contemplated, Law didn't know where the Villain is but the Villain is most likely searching for him to get his Heart back "I just can't catch a break..." Law thought while rubbing the back of his neck

Law snapped out of his thoughts and reached for the Phone that Nezu had given to him and called him

"Nezu-ya, I got something to say to you..." Law neutrally said to Nezu through the Phone

"What a coincidence Mr. Law, I was about to call you because I also have something to talk to you about..." Nezu replied with a serious voice which Law noticed, he was sure that whatever Nezu has to say to him was something important

"I'll tell you what happened here when I arrive there..." Law said to the Principal who only hummed in approval and disconnected the call, Law looked at the aftermath of the Hospital again as he narrowed his eyes and began to walk away from there to return to U.A

My Pirate AcademiaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora