Upheaval of Peace

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

Somewhere in Musutafu

In the peaceful streets of Musutafu, there was a Hero, A Hero looked up to by everyone in Japan due to his bravery and the ability to turn fear into hope, he can solve every predicament with his overwhelming strength with ease, his Courage and Bravery was second to none and the Power that he possess to resolve the problems of Musutafu and eliminate the threats of Villains was the reason many looked up to him in the first place, and that Hero was All Might, the Former Number 1 Hero, the Hero that every Villain feared and the Hero that Japan loved and admired with all their hearts.

And in those same peaceful streets there was All Might, He wore a relaxed smile on his face despite of being on guard because it was supposedly time for his patrol today but nonetheless he was on cloud nine, He was at first feeling guilty about dropping Important details during his talk with his Successor and he thought that he ultimately disregarded his feelings and only cared for his own to get his own feelings across the boy but fortunately, that wasn't the case.

"I'm glad that Young Midoriya isn't angry or thinks that im empathetic for telling him those things..."  All Might thought as he jumped and soared through the sky while patrolling the city of Mustafu "I thought he would hate me for giving him something so dangerous..." 

All Might continued his patrol while in a good mood as he jumped his way through the buildings with relative ease as he's not burden by his wound anymore.

All Might was about to end his usual daily patrol to return to U.A Highschool when he suddenly heard a fearful shriek not too far from him

"uh oh, someone's in trouble! Guess I'm going to be late for Young Midoriya's Class again, but I gotta finish this up quickly or else Principal Nezu's gonna cut off my Salary for being late again..." All Might said before mustering his strength to his legs and hurriedly jumped over to the source of the shriek that he had heard... 

When All Might arrived at the place, he was remotely confused because no one was there, not a single person nor Villain...

"Was I too late? no..." All Might thought before straightening himself out while he clutched his fists

"No matter who you are, you may come out now... I may not see you but you're just as exposed because I can sense your Evil Intent... It is useless to hide, VILLAIN!" All Might yelled out and as he expected someone came out, just behind his back hiding on his sight, the "Villain" was clapping as he fully revealed themselves to All Might who's face were slowly replaced by astonishment as he saw a very familiar Villain...

"You never change, All Might... That's exactly what I like about you..." The Villain's cold voice said as a shadow began to emerge and there the Villain stood in front of All Might who's mouth was agape...

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