Luffy and Law's First Day

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

"And that's what happened!" Luffy finished while grinning like a mad man as he told Law the things that happened after he woke up

Law just stared blankly at Luffy, If you're gonna take a peak Inside Law's mind right now, you'll see how Law had already killed Luffy In his mind a thousand times In a thousand different ways

As Law was comically twitching reaching for his sword to behead the rubber brained captain, they heard a tired sounding voice called out to them

"So this is where you guys are" the two turned as they as heard a familiar voice and saw Class 1-A's Insomniac teacher, Aizawa as he walked towards them

Aizawa then halted as he saw the unconscious bodies of his class laying around the gym, his eyes widened, his whole body began to shake with anger as he balled his fist and activated his quirk, his hair slowly raised and his eyes turned and glowed murderous red as he looked at the two

"What happened?" Aizawa said with anger accompanying his voice as he was trying hard to contain his rage but was failing miserably as his two eyes glared at the two men In front of him 

"Well-" Law began to talk but was Interrupted by the rubber brained Idiot

"Oh, I beat them up! SHISHISHI" Luffy simply said both of his hands on his waist while chuckling

Law facepalmed and walked away far enough to cure his second-hand embarrassment

"What?" Aizawa growled as his glowing red eyes started to twitch, his hands bled as his fingernails dug through his skin for balling his fist too hard and was walking to the oblivious Luffy menacingly he was starting to see red

Aizawa activated his capture weapon and tried to tie the little shit up but was stopped when he heard a voice called out to him

"A-Aizawa-sensei! please don't hurt Luffy-san!, I asked him to spar with us so he didn't beat us up for no reason at all!" Izuku said as he was still struggling to stand while holding his stomach

Aizawa looked at his problem child and met his eye, he wasn't lying

Aizawa then deactivated his capture weapon and quirk, his long black scruffy hair fell down as his eyes began to turn back to black

Aizawa walked towards Izuku to support him and asked him the full story, Izuku told him everything that happened, while Aizawa's interrogating Izuku, Luffy and Law were trying to wake the laying students at the gym

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