Looming Evil

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

Somewhere at an undisclosed location

"...Sensei, do we really need 'their' help?" a slim man with deathly pale skin, white-bluish hair and a dismembered hand covering his face asked, this man is known as Tomura Shigaraki, a Villain and the leader of the Villain Organization called League of Villains, a group of Villains that's plaguing Japan right now

"Of course my dear Tomura, we need 'their' help so we can properly thrive... The Meta Liberation Army are fine pieces to use" A very large man with scar tissues covering the entirety of his face said, he also wore a breathing mask because of the battle with All Might 5 years ago and their recent battle in Kamino where All for One barely escaped with his life, All for One's breathing trouble worsened and was also currently collapsed on a hospital bed being tend to by the League's doctor and scientist, Kyudai Garaki

All for One, The Symbol of Evil, was also the Former Leader of the League when he stepped down to make his successor, Shigaraki the new Leader and became his Advisor

"Yes, Tomura, After my check up with Garaki-sensei ends, I'm going to have a chat with Destro's son tonight..." All for One's haunting voice said

"If that's what you wish sensei, I'm fine with it, but If they pissed me off can I disintegrate them?" Shigaraki asked to his sensei

All for One only grinned maliciously to his successor's question

U.A Principal's Office

Nezu was joined in his office by his friend, Toshinori Yagi aka All Might, The Chief of Police Force Kenji Tsuragamae with his subordinate and Toshinori's personal friend, Naomasa Tsukauchi

And in front of them was Trafalgar Law, the newly hired Substitute Teacher of U.A High School

"What did you call me here for? Nezu-ya, and also who are these guys?" Law asked to Nezu as he looked at the two people with them at the office

Law saw a tall dog headed man who wore a black suit and with him is another man who wore a tan overcoat and a hat

"Good day, you must be the newly recruit Substitute Teacher here, Trafalgar Law correct?" The dog headed man asked while Law only nodded

"Nice to meet you, My name is Tsuragamae Kenji, and I'm the Chief of the Police Force that help the Pro-Heroes for apprehending and arresting Villains to protect the citizens of Japan" The dog headed man now known as Tsuragamae said "And this man here is my subordinate Naomasa Tsukauchi" Tsuragamae finished

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