The Missing Peace

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

Law was easily adjusting to his current life as a Substitute Teacher in U.A

After going to The Villain Rehabilitation Hospital to check on the Villains due to the orders of the Police and meeting the Villain who almost Disintegrated him, he went back to U.A to speak to Nezu.

Law was currently standing on the grandiose door of the Principal's Office, he raised his hand to knock but the door just automatically opened, and there Law saw Nezu sitting in his chair with his usual Teacup in his hand, admiring the smell of the fresh tea that he brewed.

"Now why don't you take a seat, Mr. Law." Nezu said as he urge Law to seat and he obliged 

"I just got back from that Rehabilitation Hospital where they keep those Villains, I'm surprised that they're not getting a harsher treatment considering they're dangerous bunch." Law said as he took a sip of the tea that Nezu prepared for him

Law then finished his tea and placed Shigaraki's Heart in front of Nezu's Table

"As long as I have this, that Villain won't be able to escape, I have his life at the palm of my hands after all" Law said while smirking, Nezu just stared at Shigaraki's beating heart and sighed as he looked outside of his window, the dusk had already covered the sky and the moon was in full view, Nezu saw this as an opportunity to tell Law something about Shigaraki as he began to talk.

"Well, you see that Villain, Tomura Shigaraki is a special case, his former name was Tenko Shimura, and he's the Grandson of All Might's Former Master..." Nezu solemnly said as Law immediately went wide eyed at this Information and smirked

"A Villain is a Grandson of a Hero? Seriously?" Law amusedly responded at Nezu's surprising revelation "Well that guy's the Grandson of Garp the Hero and the Son of Revolutionary Dragon so..." Law thought as he remembered Luffy's weird Family  

"Yes, Shigaraki was the Grandson of All Might's Master, Nana Shimura" Nezu simply said before slumping down at his chair while Law stared at him in silence

"Shigaraki might be unredeemable at this point, All for One had corrupted his mind to the point of no return..." Nezu said as he massaged his forehead, he was obviously stressed on what to do now that they've caught Nana's Grandson, the moment Shigaraki became a Villain was the moment he already lost his Future.

"Just let him rot at that place for all I care, all I want is to get back to my Crew..." Law declared as he walked out from Nezu's office, Nezu didn't stop him as he knew that Law must be tired and still complied to their unreasonableness

"Toshinori sure is late..." Nezu wondered as he refilled his teacup with fresh tea, his attention was then stolen by the beating heart of Shigaraki that was placed in his table, Nezu's eyes reflected the Heart of the Grandson of the person that he truly respected, Nezu wished he could arrive at a decision that he wouldn't regret...

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