Uncanny Encounter

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger


Location: ???

"So? are you all ready?" Shigaraki quietly said but loud enough for his companions to hear

"Shiggy~ Let's go already! I wanna see my Izuku-kun so bad~!" Toga said excitedly with her usual grin which showed her sharp fangs

"Yeah..." Dabi simply replied to Shigaraki, Dabi was uninterested in their mission this time because it doesn't involve his 'Flaming Garbage of a father' Dabi wanted to make him suffer more

"To be able to cross paths with All Might... this is an incredible honor to the one of the Heroes that Stain acknowledged!" Spinner fervently said while equipping his blades and daggers

"I'll dazzle them with my Tricks and Magic" Mr. Compress uttered as he placed his top hat on his head while leaning on his cane

"I'm so excited!/Not really..." Twice who contradicted the first thing he said exclaimed

The League of Villains were preparing to Infiltrate the Training Camp to kill All Might, The Symbol of Peace, All for One began to speak to Shigaraki

"Good luck, Tomura, I expect good news when you all come back, make use of Gigantomachia" All for One said with a grin, he was still paralyzed so he couldn't come with them, he was still laying on the hospital bed being tend to by Garaki

"Bring all the High-Ends with you too, that should ensure your victory" Garaki said while chuckling, he was proud of all of his creations but nothing beats these strong and almost Indestructible High-Ends!

"Thank you Sensei, Doctor" Shigaraki thanked the two of them

"Just you wait, All Might!" Shigaraki angrily thought as the League of Villains began to leave the secret base to head and invade their next location, The Joint Training Camp

Joint Training Camp Forest

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