Interlude: Christmas

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

(Just pretend Its still xmas and we good)

U.A Principal's Office

It was early in the morning and the sun is still yet to set as All Might was currently in front of Nezu's Office to respond to the mouse bear dog principal's call, All Might didn't have to knock as the door soon opened on its own, beyond the door revealed a very serious looking Nezu who was staring at him with an unreadable expression, All Might nervously gulped before taking a seat to the couch

"Good Morning, Principal, may I know why did you call me here this early?" All Might asked but he already knew that what the Principal was going to say to him was a serious matter

"Toshinori, I have something to show you..." Nezu peculiarly said as he began to reach for his pocket and took out his Cellphone, Nezu showed to All Might what was on his Cellphone

All Might's natural grin was replaced with a frown when he saw what was on Nezu's phone, It was a News article, but not a good one...

"T-This Is..." All Might eyes widen and gritted his teeth in anger when he saw the news article in Nezu's phone

"The Impregnable Tartarus has Fallen! The Symbol of Evil strikes again!"

Teacher's Meeting Room

"So, What's the meaning of this?" Midnight's asked curiously as she looked at the other Teachers with her in the meeting room

"Yeah I'm curious as well, why are the Internships starting again so suddenly?" Cementoss said, he find it odd that Pro-Hero Agencies are recruiting Heroes-in-Training to Intern with them at this time

Nezu cleared his throat which gained other the other Teacher's attention and began to talk

"Previously, our agreement with the other Pro-Hero Agencies was to conduct Internships on an 'On-Demand' basis" However, this time around, we've received direct request from the Public Safety Commission to conduct Practical Field Training for all Hero Department Students" Nezu explained, Law has his arms crossed and was silently listening but he really had no idea what was going on

"A Request?! you mean they're telling us to force 'em to do Internships again?!" Vlad King asked but a hint of annoyance was present on his voice

"Yes" Nezu simply answered

"But this... aren't they basically saying that they don't have enough man-power? despite having more Heroes than ever?" Midnight said to them

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