Side Story: A Test of their Strength

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Luffy and Izuku's talk was Interrupted and Izuku was broken out of his trance when they heard a loud angry shout and saw Bakugou blasting towards them, rather at Izuku

"DEKU HOW THE FUCK DID YA DO IT?!" Bakugou was now In front of the nervous Curly Haired Teen who was being held by the collar while being questioned by him "HOW CAN A FUCKING WEAKLING LIKE YOU HAVE THAT SOME SORT OF POWER?! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT!" 

"K-Kacchan please calm do-" Izuku quietly said to try to calm Bakugou down but it only made things worse

"HOW THE FUCK CAN I CALM DOWN?!" Bakugou angrily yelled while tightening his grip at Izuku's collar "When Straw Hat said that that power is a power where only one in a million can have... I honestly thought I was one of the million... I wanted to have it... A POWER WHERE YOUR WILL ALONE CAN DOMINATE OTHER PEOPLE IS SO FUCKING RAW AND AWESOME AND I WISH I HAD IT! so why you... WHY IS IT ALWAYS YOU! FUCKING DEKU...!" Bakugou's glare Intensified and his other hand was letting out dangerous explosions, Bakugou was enraged at the teen In front of him because he had everything he wanted... All Might, the greatest Hero's acknowledgement, a super strong Quirk and a Power that comes from your willpower that can dominate others...

"Let go of Izuku-ya and calm down for a second, Bakugou-ya..." Bakugou and Izuku soon heard a deep none-chilling voice and saw a very angry Law glaring at Bakugou, Bakugou and Izuku flinched at the look of the Fur Hat wearing man who was always calm and collected... It was the first time for them that they saw him look angry, Bakugou then removed his hand from Izuku's collar and began to calm down as Law once again spoke 

"Let me tell you something Bakugou-ya, not having Conqueror's Haki doesn't mean you're weak... and were not entirely sure that Izuku-ya has it or that you can't have it, but Straw Hat-ya for some reason said that Izuku-ya had awakened his... so, is that true? Straw Hat-ya?" Law then turned to the Straw Hat wearing man who grinned at him while nodding

"Yep! he awakened his just now!" Luffy positively said which confirmed that the Curly Haired teen really did awaken it... 

"I see..." Law uttered as he looked at the still dumbfounded Izuku who began to mutter

"B-But how did I managed to awaken it...? I always break my body every time I use my Quirk and I can hardly master it... plus according to Luffy-san, Conqueror's Haki is a power that only those who has a strong will have but I-I'm pretty weak-willed... Kacchan is right, I... I'm just a weak Dek-" 

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