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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

Dagobah Beach

"Hey... Shitty Deku, what the hell are you mopping around here for...?" Bakugou, who's still emotionlessly glaring at Izuke quietly asked to him, Izuku's own pair of eyes were still wide after seeing the two of them appear before him

"K-Kacchan... Law-sensei...? w-what are you two doing here...?" Izuku asked with his trembling voice but his question was fallen on deaf ears as Law and Bakugou didn't answer him, Law was eyeing the Verdant colored haired boy's condition and he Immediately frowned

"This is bad... the Kid's cognitive state is at its limit... and his physical condition is slowly but surely worsening due to the mental stress..." Law worriedly thought as he continued to observed Izuku's condition, but Izuku himself was still wide-eyed and was slowly processing the situation and what Law had said earlier.

"D-Did Law-sensei just said fight 'him'...? does he mean... K-Kacchan...?" Izuku wearily thought as he held his head with his arm, trying to ease the throbbing pain of his head due to the mental fatigue and overthinking.

"Midoriya-ya, you heard me from the first time right?" Law then began to speak again which Immediately caught the attention of the Green haired boy but Izuku could only look at Law in disbelief

"B-but why should I fight Kacchan Law-sensei?" Izuku demandingly asked to Law who merely looked at him and responded

"It's necessary for the both of you to become stronger." Law simply answered to him

Izuku's eyes widened at Law's answer he was about to open his mouth to say something but not a single word left from his mouth as he slowly looked down at his scar littered hand and began to reminisce...

"Yeah... the sole reason that I wanted to become a Hero in the first place is to save people... I want to accumulate knowledge and strength as much as I can to protect everything dear to me!" Izuku thought as he clenched his fist tightly before looking at the starry night sky "All Might had given me a chance... and I can't waste it!" 

"I CAN'T CHICKEN OUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" Izuku yelled out on top of his lungs, he didn't have time to worry, he didn't have the luxury to mop anymore now that the most dangerous Villain is coming after him soon, he had to get stronger.

"You want to get stronger right?" Izuku then turned to the person who spoke and it was Law who's smiling at him

"If you want to get strong, then fight. Fighting each other is the fastest way to get stronger, and maybe the two of you would be able to understand each other better when you exchange fists" Law said to Izuku who only nodded at him

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