Display of Power

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

"So, what are you feeling right now?" Law said with beads of sweat on his forehead as he tried to wipe it off with a towel to refreshen himself

Toshinori was currently resting at the clinic bed because he nearly collapsed due to exhaustion and was now being checked up by Recover Girl

Law's Operation on Toshinori was finished and It took quite some time for Law to convince a very scared Toshinori that he's not gonna get hurt and that he won't feel a thing during his 'operation'

Toshinori didn't reply but he slowly stood up as steam began to rise up from his body

"Oh my... Oh my... GOODNESS!"

Toshinori's body slowly transformed until his formerly thin body was then replaced by large chunks of muscles as he cried out with a booming voice

Toshinori's wound was now cured and he's now currently transformed to his Muscle Form, His former glory, the disappearance of the wound made happy, the damning wound won't hinder him In his hero work anymore as he'll now permanently stay on his 'Muscle Form' bidding farewell to his former emaciated self

"I'VE NEVER FELT AS BETTER IN MY LIFE YOUNG LAW" Toshinori said while flexing his muscles, ohhh how he missed them, but Toshinori was soon hit by a wave of exhaustion as he massaged his temples while slowly sitting down to the bedside

Toshinari fought the feelings of exhaustion back and began to shakily stand up again as he turned to look at Law and began walking up to Law as he towered the him, Toshinori then bowed

"Young Law, I can't thank you enough, for curing my wound... and letting me feel and embrace my former body again, really... I can't thank you enough! Toshinori said the tears that he's trying to contain on his eyes ran down on his cheeks, Toshinori rarely cried but this moment is a moment that is worth crying for, he was now freed from the shackles that's restraining him from saving people and doing his job efficiently, the wound that plagued him and made him suffer is now gone

Law merely stared at Toshinori with a smile, he then walked up the man and lent him a tower

"Stop crying already Toshinori-ya, here wipe those sweat and tears off, just rest for now because I know you're exhausted during the whole operation" Law calmly told him

Toshinori just nodded and followed the doctor's advice as he took the towel and wiped his face and he took up his offer and continued to rest so he can build up his energy again, Recovery Girl was beside the resting Toshinori as she wipe off the sweat in his arms, Recovery Girl then turned to Law to give him his sword's sheath back as she began to talk

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