Pirate vs Villain

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

Kyudai Garaki's Hospital

"Hey Mr... I'm glad you're fine." Dabi said as he looked at the Masked man, Mr. Compress managed to find his way to the League's Hideout and was currently trying to recover from Physical and Mental Stress 

"Thank you for the concern Dabi... but Shigaraki is..." Mr. Compress dejectedly said, he felt guilty for leaving the Decaying Villain alone by himself and didn't even call out to him the last time...

"I know..." Dabi neutrally said while looking down "That Idiot's actions will come back to bite him in the ass one day!"

Spinner was looking at the two and listening to their whole conversation with a downcasted expression, he then turned his head towards All for One to ask him a Question

"Hey Old Man, what should we do now? The Pro-Heroes are looking for us everywhere and Shigaraki's on the loose and basically betrayed us!" Spinner anxiously said to All for One who's currently resting at his Hospital Bed to recover, All for One just sighed heavily before speaking

"We'll lay low for a while, we don't want to attract any unnecessary attention towards us right now... as for Tomura, He'll soon come to regret his decision and he'll willingly come back to us" All for One said to Spinner 

"I could only hope..."

Shigaraki's POV

Shigaraki was holding his right cheek, he was unexpectedly punch by the same Straw Hat wearing man that he and the League of Villains met during their Invasion at the Joint Training Camp and It made Shigaraki Infuriated that the man was hindering him from doing what he wanted again

"JUST LIKE THE LAST FUCKING TIME WITH THAT FUCKING WHITE FUR HAT WEARING DICK HEAD! PEOPLE KEEP INTERFERING, AND ITS THIS MOTHERFUCKING STRAW HAT GUY'S TURN!" Shigaraki angrily thought while shaking in anger, he was visibly seething as he continued to maliciously glare at the Straw Hat wearing man in front of him

"I'll kill him... I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM AND THAT FUCKING GUY!" Shigaraki's yelled out in the sky as his hostile thoughts was loudly proclaimed which made the Three Students warily eye him

Shigaraki's POV End

The Three Students saw that Shigaraki was just unmoving and was quietly glaring at Luffy, Luffy himself was unmoving in his place and quietly glared back at the Decaying Villain in front of them

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