After the Talk

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

After the surprising revelation, the talk with Nezu and Law was still going on but Luffy is worn out and was not listening now as he was currently very tired and sleepy, he tried to resist the urge to yawn but failed 

"Hey~ Mouseeeeey~ are we done talking? I'm kinda sleepy now..." Luffy groggily said while yawning loudly and wiping a tear on his eye

"You're right Mr. Luffy, Since we're probably done for tonight why don't the two of you head back to the Dorms to rest?" Nezu said to the two as he then allowed Luffy and Law to leave his Office for them to rest

"We'll do that Nezu-ya... but first why don't the Three little Eavesdroppers come out of their hiding" as soon as Law said that, the Nezu's Office Door opened and revealed the Three Class 1-A Students Izuku, Bakugou and Todoroki who was listening to their conversation beyond the door the whole time...

"L-Law-Sensei w-we can expl-" Izuku nervously began to talk to Law while stuttering but was Interrupted by the man himself

"No need to explain, Izuku-ya as you three probably heard, we've been trying to find clues and hints on how we're going to return back on our own World and it seems that Nezu-ya's Subordinates found a very beneficial clue and Information for us..." Law explained to the Three Students

"I-I see..." Izuku could only utter as he sadly looked down "Of course they'll go back to their own World... that's where they belong after all... and they have their Pirate Crewmates waiting for them..." Izuku thought fondly but inside of him he was hurting but tried to ignore the aching he's feeling inside of him

"I hope you find your way back home, Law-Sensei, Luffy-san!" Izuku said with a smile, Law could only look at the Curly Haired teen in front of him with a smile before responding

"Thank you Izuku-ya..." Law said to the Curly Haired teen with a faint smile

"OI!" they soon heard a loud shout and turned to look at the origin of the voice and saw a very pissed Bakugou

"STRAW HAT! YOU SAID YOU'RE GOING TO TRAIN US RIGHT? DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE RUNNING AWAY FROM YOUR PROMISE NOW? HUH?!" Bakugou said to Luffy who looked at the raging pomeranian confused

"Huh? What are you talking about Explodey? I'm keeping my promise by Training you guys aren't I?" Luffy replied to Bakugou, Luffy was still confused at why the Sand colored teen was mad at him

"Luffy's right Bakugou, He's still Training us while the Principal's colleagues are trying to find this 'Road Poneglyph' that they're talking about earlier... what are you on about Bakugou?" Todoroki asked to the raging teen with a raised brow

"TCH, I'M JUST REMINDING THE SHITTY STRAW HAT HIS PROMISE BECAUSE HE MIGHT FORGET IT CUZ HE'S A DUMBASS" Bakugou clicked his tongue and sneered at them before angrily shoving both of his hands to his pockets and walking out of the Office

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