Wavering Mind

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

After their Second Internship & Final Exam was over, the Principal of U.A Nezu, had given the whole school a holiday for the Students to prepare their selves for their upcoming Graduation and Grade moving ups. of course this news was well received by many, including The Class 1-A which was very excited about them moving up to Second years.

And since there were no Classes, The majority Class 1-A as usual, are currently in their dorms, chilling and recovering from their fatigues from the Final Exam. 

U.A Height's Alliance Class 1-A Dorms

"Haaaaa~ Our Graduation's just around the corner huh..." Mineta said in a fond tone while breathing a heavy sigh.

"Yeah, and I can't believe that you didn't get expelled for Sexually Harassing people all the time" Asui said to Mineta who froze at what the Frog Quirked Girl had said and earned a laugh from the rest of the Class 1-A.

"But still, Mineta is right, although we faced and experienced fear and hardships because of the Villains constantly attacking us, and not only that we also survived the difficult exams that the Teachers throw at us and so we're all going to move up together!" Mina said enthusiastically to her classmates, they then erupted into loud screams of celebrations. 

"YEAHHGGGG, I STWILL CAWNT BWEILIB IT!" Kaminari said while crying loudly.

"And It's thanks to our efforts that we'll all be able to move up grades!" Iida happily said while adjusting his glasses "Especially Midoriya-kun who was the key person and the reason we're all moving up in the first place!" Iida happily added proudly for his friend

"S-Speaking of Deku, does anyone know where he is?" Uraraka curiously asked to her classmates who stopped their celebration and they could only shrug their shoulders or shake their heads to her question. 

Uraraka was worried for Deku, when she saw him yesterday after he came back from the dorms to look for All Might, he looked really gloomy so she chose not to approach him to give him some space but now that he's no where to be seen in their dorms again, the uneasiness in her heart grew. 

"That's weird, Midoriya-san's supposed to be here with us right now, I wonder where he is..." Momo said quietly as she turned towards Todoroki "Todoroki-kun, do you know where Midoriya-kun is?" Momo asked to Todoroki who only closed his eyes and shook his head slowly, this gesture earned a disappointed sigh from Momo.

"Now that I think about it, Bakugou's missing too!" Hagakure added this statement from Hagakure caused Kirishima to hurrily stand up from the couch that he's seated on as he has a look of unease in his face

"I JUST REMEMBERED THAT BAKUGOU'S NOT IN HERE!" Kirishima loudly said, catching the attention of his Classmates "I haven't seen him since we went to sleep last night, he wasn't in his room when I went to look for him in the morning!" Kirishima wearily explained to his Classmates while pinching the roof of his nose in worry.

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