Toga and Twice

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

It was finally Class 1-A's Winter Break and the class was currently waiting for the arrival of the Interviewers at the Dorms, soon enough they heard a knock on the Dorm door, Sato opened It and they saw many Media Staff in front of their dorm with Cameras, Lightings and stuff needed for an Interview 

The class soon gathered to the Common's Room to greet and talk to the Interviewers, the Interviewers said that they'll only Interview Todoroki and Bakugou for now, the rest of the Students only nodded in understanding and began to go to their own rooms to do their own thing while some students like Izuku, Uraraka and Iida stayed in the Common's Room to watch Todoroki and Bakugou's Interview

After Todoroki and Bakugou's chaotic Interview, the Interviewers left and said they'll comeback again tomorrow to Interview the rest of them, Uraraka and Iida then told Izuku that they'll be going back to their own rooms to rest for the day, Todoroki, Bakugou and Izuku were the only ones that remained at the Common's Room

"So, you're going to Intern at my Father's Agency too, Midoriya, I was about to ask you and Bakugou to come with me..." Todoroki monotonously said to Izuku who smiled at him and nodded

"Yep! I would like to see how the Current Top Hero does his Hero Job up close!" Izuku excitedly replied to Todoroki

"SO YOU TWO ARE GOING THERE TOO?!" Bakugou angrily yelled at Izuku and Todoroki, Izuku 

"What's going on here?" The three of them heard a voice and turned to see Law

"Oh, we're just talking about our Internships Law-san" Izuku politely explained to Law 

"I still have no Idea what this 'Internship' is but I wish you luck" Law said to the three of them, Bakugou's brows raised

"How can a Pro-Hero like you not know about Internships?" Bakugou asked him confused, he was so confused that he didn't even said that to him in an angry tone

"Oh, I didn't need to do Internships because I was an Over-Achiever and graduated early, I was then recruited to be a Teacher here by Nezu-ya" Law said to Bakugou while lying through his teeth, Izuku and Todoroki knew the truth so he didn't have to convince them he only needed to convince Bakugou

"Is that so." Bakugou simply said to him while rolling his eyes, Law was certain the boy was not convinced but was thankful that the boy didn't bug him about it

"Hey, Law-san, can I ask you something?" Law's attention was called when he heard the voice of Izuku

"Yeah, what is It? Izuku-ya" Law asked to the boy who was fidgeting 

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