A Cry for Help

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I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

Law's POV

Law was worn out.

After he and Aizawa caught the Villain with the dismembered hands, the Police Force Authorities later arrived at the Joint Training Camp Forest and Interrogated the two of them them, Law told them some details of what had happened since he was the one of the two who first encountered the group Villains who tried to Invade the Camp

Law and Aizawa then handed the unconscious Villain to the Police Force Authorities and after that the two went towards the Student and Teacher's Cottage which was now empty, Law worriedly asked Aizawa why there were no Teachers and not even a single Student was in the Cottage but Aizawa reassured him that they were safe and Aizawa had asked the other Teachers to leave with the Students when the buses arrives

Law sighed in relief, he was glad that no one was harmed, he then began to concentrate and used his Haki to look for his rubber companion, Law had picked Luffy's presence and told Aizawa that he knew where Luffy and the others are and they proceeded to head towards their direction

Law soon found Luffy accompanied by three members of Class 1-A, Izuku, Bakugou and Todoroki and All Might who was being Interrogated by the Police Force Authorities and, they too detained a unconscious Villain

Law then turned to Aizawa and saw him with a pissed off expression as he started walking towards the three students

Aizawa began to wrap the three of them in his Capture Weapon and scolded them, Bakugou angrily squirmed in Aizawa's Capture Weapon, Izuku comically cried and didn't even struggled and just accepted his fate while Todoroki as usual was just chill and blanked face

Law watched the scene and just shook his head, he then saw All Might was finally done talking to the Police Force Authorities, Law Approached Luffy and All Might, the two noticed his presence and greeted him, well... All Might greeted him but Luffy straight up ran to him and gave him a bear hug, which annoyed him 

Law managed to get the Rubber man off of him, after hugging Law Luffy ran up towards the three students being scolded by Aizawa and Law and All Might was finally left alone and they began to talk

"So you're fine, Toshinori-ya" Law said as he scanned All Might's body and saw that he had no Injuries

"OF COURSE YOUNG LAW! IT WAS THANKS TO YOUNG LUFFY HERE THAT I MANAGED TO MAKE OUT OF THERE UNSCATHED!" All Might's booming voice said "But two Villains managed to escape as I was busy tying the Villain we captured in Capture Tape"

"What?!" Law loudly yelled "Straw Hat-ya! why did you let those Villains escape!" Law said in annoyance 

"Ehhhhhhhhhh? but this story would be boring If we captured all the Villains!" Luffy nonchalantly said to the two while picking his nose as he watched Aizawa scold the three

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