Chapter Two - a visit

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The full moon shone into the study of the Celestial stronghold as the king paced around the room, running his hands through his long dark hair as he grit his teeth and growled lowly.

That damn assassin was getting on his last nerve, and he was sick and tired of it. The last vampire they had killed was due to be trialled that week for his ownership and treatment of human females, but they had managed to get there before him and had left quite a mess behind them. A mess which he now had to clean up.

They were becoming a big problem for him and if he couldn't get this under control, he knew he was going to be doubted, and that was never going to fucking happen, over his dead body.

He was the King here, and nothing and no one was going to take that from him. It didn't matter whoever this assassin was, whatever their motive is, they are complicating issues too much and now and he needed to step in and end it.

"Evelyn, Hyde get your asses in here right now" He shouted as the doors opened and two vampires strolled into the room,

"Yes Brand?" Evelyn replied coolly inspecting her nails and seating herself on the edge of the desk, clearly unbothered by the situation as Hyde casually strolled in after her yawning. He quickly poured himself a glass of whiskey and leant against the fireplace as he sipped from his glass.

Brand rolled his eyes, clearly frustrated, as he sat down at his desk. He began tapping his fingers on the table lightly as he turned to face them both. 

"This assassin issue needs to be sorted, we've raised the bounty to extremes, but how the fuck can the people hand in or kill someone who has never been seen. No one in the entire land has any fucking information on them, they are a literal fucking ghost. And on top of that this individual can kill vampires, this is no human. They would have no chance at killing one of us, so we have zero chance of a human catching them for us" he fumed smashing his hand into the desk as his eyes flickered dangerously.

Evelyn lifted her head looking at him completely unbothered by his outburst as she raised her eyebrows, whilst Hyde finished his drink off and gently set it down on the side, "Why don't we go after them then, if you want us to then I'm sure we can spare the time" he replied dully crossing his arms and glancing at Evelyn as Brand groaned rolling his eyes again,

"Can I have a shred of fucking interest here. The vampire council meeting is in four days, and I want, no, I need to have this assassin to present to them. They need to pay for their crimes, the whole thing has just gone too far. Their execution will calm the court for a while at least, get them off my ass whilst I regain control and deal with the North" Brand spat leaning back into his chair and taking a big gulp of whiskey from his glass.

"Not sure why you even let them boss you around Brand, they're a bunch of old farts stuck in the past, the fucking ancient past. They do nothing good except give us a little more power now and they sometimes agree to let us do our fucking jobs. If it was up to me I'd fucking eliminate the lot of them. I mean come on, half of them look like they should already be in the ground" Hyde groaned as Brand glared at him rising in his seat,

"It doesn't fucking matter Hyde, if you like your life here, they need to stay happy old farts. Same goes for the both of you, do you understand me? We need that assassin" Brand said as Evelyn pushed herself of the desk sighing and looking at both of us.

Evelyn cracked her neck as she put her hands on her hips, "Fine, let me go. It's been a while since I stretched my legs, and if I'm lucky there might be some lost hunters in the woods" she said flashing her fangs with a dark glimmer in her eye, Hyde perking up at the thought of a fresh meal. Brand sighed waving his hands at them,

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