Chapter Thirty Two - Innocent

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I smiled as I let out a deep sigh, sinking deeper into my warm bath, my feet poking out from underneath the bubbles, as I giggled lightly, popping them with my toes. I ran my hands over my body as I sighed contently, finally I was fucking happy. Who would have thought it would eventually happen?

I was so glad we had finally sorted things out between us, and I was happy we were at last going to try to be better for each other, and to begin to accept this bond.

If you had told me that day I was brought in here as a prisoner of the king that all this was going to happen, I would have never believed you in a million years, and probably sent you off to the mental asylum declaring you insane.

But here I was, and somehow I just knew it was going to get better, at least I was begging it would, I was not sure how much more I had in me if everything decided to go to utter shit. I had worked so hard and suffered so much for this small happiness. I fucking deserved this.

I eventually climbed out of my bath, draining the water away as I grabbed a nearby towel, wrapping it around my body as I shivered at my feet hitting the cold stone floor. I walked to the closet humming softly and as I smiled to myself, something I now found myself doing often.

Happiness was never something I ever truly had, of course I was happy with Bethany, but constantly being surrounded by death and the dark underworld of my job, I couldn't spare a moment to be truly happy with the way my life had turned out. I had gone from being a prisoner with the assassins, being beaten within an inch of my life, to constantly being trapped by a creature of my own making, killing people and forever running. I knew deep down I had never been truly free from what had happened to me, and I was a fool to think it would ever go away.

But being here gave me a small ray of hope that I could turn it around, and finally do something good with my life, give something back to the people as I always wanted, without more blood staining my hands.

Dinner, for once, was something I was actually looking forward to. No arguments, no hostility, hopefully just a happy evening where I could spend time with my new family, something that they were slowly becoming to me. I never thought it would have been possible to have another family.

Evelyn had quickly become the older sister I never had, she had that fearsome protective nature about her, and I could see a lot of myself in her, especially with how I am towards Bethany. Her hostility at the start was nothing but precaution, something which reminded me too much of myself. But slowly the trust was building between us, and it was easy to talk to her after realising we had a lot more in common than we thought.

As for Hyde, he had quickly turned into my irritating brother that I could just strangle the life out of sometimes, only sometimes. But he was also thoughtful and kind, and very easy to talk to when I felt my rage taking me over, his calmness just easing me when I got all riled up. He was the most level headed out of all of us, surprisingly, often bringing me back down to earth when I saw red. But that didnt mean that he didnt irritate the fuck out of me sometimes, there was still some fights to be had there.

The more time I spent here the more I couldn't pretend that I had never felt more at home. This place had once filled me with dread, but now I looked at it with a new hope. It felt familiar to me somehow, as if this is where I was always meant to end up, where I belonged.

I heard the door to my room swing open as I scrambled pulling my towel up just before Brand strolled in his eyes growing hungry when he saw me. "BRAND! GET OUT NOW!" I screamed pulling my towel tighter around me, he chuckled lowly stalking towards me as I folded my arm around my body, still pointing at the door.

My breath hitched as he stood inches away from me, gazing down and admiring me as I knew my body was barely covered. My face flushed as his gaze met mine and I looked down embarrassed at the power his look held. I felt his hand lift my chin up to look at him as I let out a shaky breath, my body tingling all over.

I cursed as I felt my stomach flip, the control this man had over me was ridiculous. His fingers slowly grazed my face, causing goosebumps to erupt all over my body. He smiled as his finger softly brushed my lips, and I looked up at him through my lashes, my mouth slightly parted as I held my breath,

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