Chapter Forty-Seven - a talk

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Me and Evelyn walked back into the dining room after a while, our hands still intertwined. Both of us had just sat in my room together, enjoying the peaceful silence. Evelyn finally reminded me that Brand and Damien were probably losing their minds at my disappearance and I sighed, reluctantly agreeing.

As soon as I entered the room I was tackled by Bethany, her body slamming into me as she gripped me tight and grabbed my hand dragging me to the side.

She dragged me into a small room as she slammed the door shut and quickly drew a soundproofing rune on the back of the door, locking it aggressively as she whirled around to face me, her eyes filled with anger.

She crossed her arms as she looked at me , narrowing her eyes. "Come on now Lillian, what the hell is going on? You go off for a prophecy which directly affects us, and you don't even tell me what happened as soon as you got back?! I couldn't find you the whole time, you didn't even come to find me, What the hell is going on with you, we barely even talk anymore, I feel like you're pulling away from me." she said as I felt my heart sink.

She was right, I hadn't spent much time with her recently, between my training and history lessons and now with all the crap that had happened, I had been leaving her out and alone, she was in the same situation as me and I had been completely unfair.

"Come here" I said as she walked over and sat in my lap, just like she did when we were little and I stroked her head gently, humming as she sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry I've been neglecting you; I've just been so busy I just haven't even had time for myself let alone anyone else, but you're right I am sorry, I promised I would never leave you out and I am currently breaking that promise. I am sorry." I said as she looked up at me and smiled, "tell me Lillian, how was the colony, what happened?! Brand and Damien refused to talk to me about it" she said as I sighed, stroking her hair and explained the past few days again.

Once I had finished Bethany had climbed off my lap and was pacing the room, her dress flowing behind her as she bit her lip, deep in thought. "So overall, if I've got this correct, there's a psychopathic ex, freaky rogue vampire and a weird werewolf? Oh and the nice witch you met whose mother died in your arms? Conveniently the one who knew our mother and all other potential things" she said as I grimaced and nodded,

"Yeah basically, that's a way to simplify it" I said as she tilted her head and looked at me, "what else Lillian, something is bothering you" she said as I stood up and walked over pouring out a drink downing it all in one, hissing slightly at the alcohol burning the back of my throat.

"Well I know one prophecy so far and I haven't read this one yet. Honestly, I've been dreading opening it, I don't want to know more bad news or what shit the gods are pulling now" I said as I pulled the small scroll out from my pocket,

Bethany gasped as she reached for it and I stepped back pulling it out of her reach, "I need to tell you something before and you have to swear on my life you will follow it through" I said as she looked at me raising her eyebrow,

"What?" she said quietly as I sighed rubbing my head as I picked up a new glass, "This battle, war, whatever this prophecy says, you cannot participate" I said as she crossed her arms and glared at me,

"To hell with that, you cannot expect me to sit out while-" she started as I held out my hand silencing her, "Bethany I'm not fucking around here, I'm not letting you die or something happen to you, I will not allow it." I said as she shut her mouth and looked at me confused,

"What" she whispered as I grabbed her hands, "promise me Bethany, you cannot and will not enter any battlefield, do you swear it." I said as she nodded, looking at me with a frightened look on her face.

"My curse, my power, it is unleashed in battle, and I refuse to have you anywhere near me when it happens, I will not have wasted my life protecting you, to just fall victim to whatever happens with me" I said as she nodded, pulling me close.

"Okay Lillian" she whispered "I promise" I sighed as we hugged,

"Shall we take a look at this then" I said, picking up the scroll out of my pocket as she nodded. I slowly unrolled it as we held our breaths, laying it on the table I read it quietly aloud,

When winter falls, the year the Erebus has met her mate,

On the battlefield, two sides will meet,

A battle will scorch the world, But it will not end,

Unless Erebus rises And claims its destiny,

Only she can decide this new world, The Queen of all with her king alongside her.

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