Chapter Thirty One - A gift

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As I stormed downstairs, followed closely by Brand and Evelyn, towards the front gate I felt a knot in my stomach grow, and I shivered lightly. Walking across the courtyard I saw a tall hooded figure standing patiently at the gate, but it wasn't a figure I recognised.

Brand quickly and gently grabbed my arm as he pulled me back and tucked me close into his side, something which I grumbled at but knew it was better to not argue with him right now,

As we got closer I heard Evelyn growl viciously behind me and move faster than I could see as she wrapped her hand around the neck of the person at the front gate, lifting them up towards the sky. I watched my eyes wide as her nails elongated into their sharp claws and dug deeply into the person neck, drawing blood as it ran down her hand,

I heard a low chuckle from the figure as I felt the rage flow off Evelyn, and I narrowed my eyes at the mysterious man, "How dare you come here and show your face, I said very clearly the last time we spoke that if I ever saw you again I would kill you without hesitation" she growled as the figure chuckled deeply again, not at all affected by the pain Evelyn was putting him in.

"I should follow through on that request right now" Evelyn continued hissing as the figure grabbed her wrist before twisting it around and pulling her close to them, turning her face close to theirs, "now now Evelyn my dear, it would be a shame to kill your mate, you do only get on after all" he said as Evelyn growled pushing him backwards onto the floor shaking her head as her eyes turned pitch black,

"Do not call yourself that" she spat as she turned away from him, "I've already told you I wont ever accept you, you're a dirty rotten traitor and I would be better off with you dead" she growled I felt my heart sink for her, now it made sense.

"Ah yes well we all get disappointed sometimes but as I am here in peace and not war, it seems as if you won't be killing me today. I actually am here because I have something for you, well for Lillian to be exact" he said, lifting his gaze to me as I stepped behind Brand's towering frame, removing myself from his eyeline.

"Well at least I can take one good bit of news home, Damien will be very happy to see that you're not on death's door no more, the skin and bones look wasn't working too well was it? He actually claimed that you seemed to be withering away at one point. Worried you might die before all the fun began." the guy said as I lowered my gaze, Brand turning around to me confused.

Clearly Evelyn hadn't told him exactly how bad I was doing whilst he wasn't here.

The man let out a low laugh as he looked between us, watching us dreadfully as he pulled his hood off his head.

He was a sort of strange type of beautiful, his pale skin seemed to glow in the sun, his pitch black hair framed his sharp, hard features. He looked cruel. His eyes were a dangerous shade of black, his gaze ever so often flitting to look at Evelyn standing angrily beside us.

"So I'm guessing that the king doesn't know how you dealt with him leaving? So does that also mean his ever so loyal first in command didn't tell him either? How very interesting." he said as Evelyn lowered her gaze from Brand's glare,

Brand clenched his fists as he looked between us, neither of us saying a single word. I had wondered if Evelyn had said anything about my breakdown, and now I guess I was finding out the answer.

Brand glared at the man as he smirked, "Matthias, if this is all you have come to do I suggest you get it over with quickly and leave my castle, before I rip you to shreds myself" Brand said in a loud authoritative tone that made my whole-body shudder, his power radiating around us.

Matthias smirked, clearly unaffected as he looked directly at me, a small smirk washing over his face as he watched me stare him down wearily, "Damien sends his wishes Lillian, and wants to let you know he will be watching you, and perhaps even seeing you very soon." He said as i felt a shiver run through my body at the thought, 

"He also seems to think this is the book you have been looking for, or that you may even find useful in your research" he said, presenting an old tattered book, one which was adorned with the same ancient writing on the front as the prophecies I had been looking at.

I frowned looking at it as I walked forwards, my hand outstretched to grab the book off him. However, as soon as I took one step forwards, I felt Brand grab my arm holding me back, refusing me from approaching Matthias. I turned around, my glare furious as he looked back at me rage clear in his face,

"Let me go this instant, you are meddling in something you couldn't even begin to understand" I hissed lowly as his grip tightened at my words, "don't you dare Lillian" he said as I shook off his grip, calming the rage that grew within me. "You can't keep telling me what to do, remember, I'm not yours." I said calmly as his eyes flashed black,

I took a deep breath as I grabbed the old book off of Matthias, "You tell Damien to stay the hell out of my dreams and leave me alone, tell him to find another human to fuck around with, not me. I'm not interested in playing his little game" I hissed as Matthias chuckled darkly, "He told me you would say something like that" he called out at me as I walked away, giving him a cutting glare as I stormed off,

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