Chapter Twenty Five - Protection

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Brand left immediately, practically filled with rage as he told me he was going to find out what was going on with his brother, promising me he was going to get to the bottom of it. He had brought me a cup of tea which he thought might help calm me, but I knew he was as panicked as I was.

I had stayed in my room trying to wash the feeling of Damien's hands off me until I was red raw, but finding no relief. As I got dressed and stepped out of my room I saw the castle was in a complete commotion, guards who once stood to the side silently were everywhere, and orders were being shouted all over the place.

"What the fuck?" I said to myself as I began to walk down the stairs, two guards immediately  following me. I turned back to look at them as I frowned, "is there a reason I'm being followed?" I said as they bowed to me, "Orders from the King m'lady, we are here to follow your every move and ensure your safety at all times" they said as I scowled,

"Gentlemen, I am sure I am perfectly safe walking to the dining room without being escorted, he's not going to randomly spawn into the castle, I insist you put yourself to something else more useful. I can escort myself to get food" I said as they bowed again,
"Unfortunately m'lady, these are our direct orders, the king said for you to just get used to us. Pretend we aren't here" one of them said as I scowled storming off towards the dining hall, my fear quickly turning to rage.

I swung the doors open as they slammed against the wall, and I stormed in, my vision growing red the longer the two soldiers continued to follow me. "What on earth is this shit Brand?" I said loudly as I saw everyone seated eating their food. Bethany turned standing up to look at me, but upon seeing my face quickly sat back down.

Hyde smirked as he motioned to the two men behind me, "want to introduce us to your new fan club?" He joked as I turned my head to meet his gaze, fury boiling within me as Bethany immediately shoved him. He lost his smile instantly as he saw the rage pouring off me and held up his hands in defeat, "hey don't look at me, i'm not in charge, just trying to lighten the mood" he said as I scowled storming away from him,

I stomped up to Brand fury now overtaking me as I felt my body begin to shake, "You tell these guards right now to leave me alone, I don't need constant surveillance. I can protect myself and I do not need babysitters. Do not start this shit again because I am moments away from slitting their throats. I am not your possession to keep a watch on at all time, so I warn you once, tell them to back the fuck off or I will" I hissed as I noticed everyone start to make a move away from the table behind me, clearly not wanting to be part of this argument.

Brand looked down at me as he clenched his jaw, "None of you dare move a muscle" he ordered them as they all sighed sitting back down, groaning amongst themselves, "Sit down Lillian." He said as I glared back at him, not moving a muscle, he stared me down, his gaze not flinching as I quickly realised I wasn't going to get anything out of him until I did as he asked. I growled at him as I strode angrily over to my chair, pulling it out and sitting down, folding my arms as I seethed.

Brand looked up at all of us as he let out a deep breath. "My brother is alive." He said as shock echoed around the table, Evelyn's face turning a shade paler. "He has contacted Lillian through her dreams, and now her life is in danger. He wishes to claim her as his own, and over my dead body shall he ever take her from me" he said deadly calm as nobody moved a muscle,

I rolled my eyes as they turned to look at me, and I grit my teeth, biting back the words I wanted to scream at him.

"I will find him, and I will lock him up again. But until then, you are all on guard duty. Evelyn and Hyde take turns, Lillian does not leave your sight and she does not leave this castle. She will train and learn every day, and you will always have guards with you." He said as I growled,

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