Chapter Thirty-Three - New ideas

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After going through dress after dress I finally gave up, you would have thought there would have been something in here that called out to me, but I found nothing. The closet was completely trashed, and I growled as I sat on the floor, Clarissa smiling sadly at me as I waved her away,

"Don't you dare tidy this up, I will do it myself. Go it's okay i'll go find Evelyn, have an early night. If anyone can save me from this mess, it's her" I said to her as she smiled bowing her head slightly, "As you wish Lillian" she said as she turned, leaving the room. I quickly pulled on a top and pants as I ran down the halls smacking down Evelyn's door.

She swung it open, clearly pissed off as I looked at her sheepishly, fiddling with my hands. "What on the gods green earth are you banging my door down for, someone better be dying." She growled as I looked down, slightly embarrassed, "I need your help. It's a fashion emergency" I said as her face instantly lit up,

"Well why didn't you just say so. I've been dying to burn the clothes you've been wearing and sort out your overall aesthetic" she said dryly pushing past as I chuckled watching her practically fly down the hall towards my room,

I rushed behind her as I followed her into the room, "Why have you now decided to let me dress you? I mean, I should have done it the first day you stepped in here" she said as she grimaced throwing the clothes i had already discarded across the room, "I need to surprise Brand, just trust me on this. He called me nervous and innocent, and I want to prove him wrong" I said as she wickedly grinned at me,

"Well you definitely came to the right person. The first thing we are going to do is get you some new clothes, this shit should just be burnt. That's the last time I let someone else buy you clothes" she said disgusted holding up some of the dresses as I let out a little laugh as how invested she was,

As we looked around the mess I had created she sighed deeply with her hands on her hips as she shook her head, but before I could even blink she moved, picked up the rest of the clothes and threw them into one big pile at the back of the closet.

I stood by the door of the closet as I watched Evelyn get to work, she searched every inch of the wardrobe as she sighed, reaching the end. "None of these are going to do the job. I need to take you shopping, immediately. Unfortunately we don't have time for that now, but you might be in luck, I may have something in my room for you" she said as she disappeared out of the room reappearing a moment later,

As she walked over I saw a blue dress laying in her arms as she lay it down gently on the bed, "This is something I haven't seen or worn for a very, very long time. It's something from my home" she said as I walked over running my fingers over the soft material,

"Evelyn. Are you sure?" I surprised as I looked at her and she smiled running her fingers down the material, "This is the one, for sure" she said smirking as she picked it up hanging it in front of her body, as my jaw fell and i looked at her in utter shock, "Oh my gods can you even consider that a dress" I said appalled as she laughed loudly, clearly enjoying my reaction,

"Come on Lillian, you will look sexy as hell and isn't that what you wanted? Honestly I think you are the only one who could pull it off, other than me once upon a time, unfortunately it doesn't fit into my aesthetic anymore" she said throwing it at me winking as I laughed at her and walked into the bathroom to squeeze into it

As I finally finished putting it on I gasped at my reflection in the mirror, half of my body was out on display from all the cut outs and the dress flowed beautifully around my body. It had these gorgeous mesh sleeves which flowed to the floor, and only covered my boobs on the top, the dress being held together by links of thread, expertly intertwined together.

I felt like a goddess, and I had never felt like this before. I twirled in the mirror as the dress flowed around me, Evelyn then walked in mumbling about how I was taking forever as she halted in place. "Oh gods I cannot wait to see this" she said covering her mouth as her eyes sparkled mischievously, I turned around smiling as I ran my hands down the dress, "I have never worn anything like this in my life" I said as she shook her head,

"Well you need to more often, you look heavenly" she said as she began pulling out pins holding my hair up so it flowed around my shoulders, "It needs one more thing" she said as she rushed out at vampire speed and returned in a blink of an eye with a pair of hair pins, perfectly matching the dress. She slid them in as she looked at me in the mirror, a strange look reflecting on her face as she shook her head and smiled at me,

"Now you're ready" she said as she held out her arm, "Are you sure I'm okay wearing this Evelyn? It doesn't make you uncomfortable?" I said as she smiled, "This dress needed to see the light of day again Lillian, and I am glad you are the one doing it" she said as I took a deep breath slipping on my heels and taking the first step out of the door.

As we walked down the hall I gripped Evelyn's hand tight, nerves once again filling me as I took a deep breath, she turned and smiled at me as we reached the dining room door, and she swung it open without a moment's notice, not giving me time to back out. Our heels clicking loudly on the stone floor announced our entrance as I felt my stomach flip,

I took a deep breath, I could do this, he was just a man and I looked good, I had done much scarier shit than this. It's just a dress.

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