Chapter Thirty-Five - Convincing

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Brand followed me reluctantly to my room as I sighed deeply, my palms beginning to sweat as I felt myself rubbing them raw on the sides of my dress. I swung open the door as it smashed into the wall, but Brand didn't comment, thankfully noticing that this was not the time to be questioning me.

I walked into the closet trying to calm down my heart as it began to beat out of my chest. Brand began to follow me as I spun around, placing my hand on my hip and raising my eyebrows, Brand stopping immediately in his tracks.

He looked at me confused as I shook my head, gently brushing a few stray hairs out of my eyeline, "Considering what I am about to do, I really don't think that seeing me naked or even partially naked is going to help anyone." I said firmly as Brand sighed holding his hands up in the air,

"Fine, I guess you are right, knowing what you're about to do and who you will be talking to will not make it any easier if all I want is to fuck you until your screaming my name." He said darkly as I shivered under his dark gaze, my body screaming at me to just strip in front of him and forget about Damien completely,

He smirked as I shuffled in front of him and he took a step back, "Although, if you change your mind and want to change in here, I really won't complain" he joked as I smiled and shook my head at him, walking into the closet and shutting the door firmly,

As I made sure the door was shut I let my head fall back against the hardwood and let out a long deep breath, a small headache building from the wine I had drunk earlier. Fucking great, this evening certainly took a turn, so much for my peaceful happy night with promises of greatness for my kingdom.

The last thing I thought I would find out after pledging to do better for Ezerene was to learn that an ancient war had been brewing and it was most likely to happen pulling me in with it. I mean, at this point the gods must just laugh and joke together about me ever being happy for longer than a day.

Let's not forget that now I was having to reunite Brand with his brother, something that I was probably going to seriously regret in the long run. I was bringing this man into my home, in fact personally inviting him here, to help us. The same man who, the last time they saw each other, killed his father and his mother, incapacitated Evelyn who almost died and since then has released himself from a prison in the earth, and done gods knows what since.

And to add on top, he personally knew my mother and is certain to bring nothing but trouble.

So on the list of bad days, this was beginning to rank quite high and the worst part was, I just didn't know what else I could do. If I could go to anyone else in this god forsaken world, I would in a heartbeat, but I know that Damien knows something, something he is not willing to give up so easily. He was always too mysterious when we spoke, as if there was something big he was hiding, something that knowing the little I do about him, would have to be earned in some sick and twisted way.

I also couldn't even open that damn book he gave me, what was even the point of making his big statement the last time we spoke and being a first class arsehole by giving it to me via Matthias, was it only to piss Brand off?

Then again, that wouldn't surprise me, I had a feeling tensions would be running extremely high the second he entered the grounds, and I don't think anyone here is strong enough to stop them if they do decide to fight. It's not something I particularly want to get in the middle of.

As I rather ungracefully peeled myself out of the dress and changed into a large comfy t-shirt and shorts, Brand's words in the study kept ringing throughout my head, a prophecy? What was this prophecy and who did it include? It must be something serious to make him grow pale.

The last thing I needed was for my name to appear in another one, or even worse, Bethany's name. I may have defied power my whole life, but messing with the gods' plans was a completely different story. Even I couldn't be stubborn enough to toy with their decisions. With that dreadful thought I quickly walked out of the closet and over to the dresser, Brand's eyes following me as I wiped off my makeup and tied my hair up, out of my face.

"What is this prophecy then Brand" I said straight up as I turned to face him tilting my head as I watched him react to me asking him so bluntly. He quickly chugged his drink as glanced away, clearly avoiding my gaze and my question.

"What, don't you dare look away from me. What is in the prophecy Brand? What on earth are you afraid of?" I said standing up and walking over to him, getting slightly pissed off at his reaction.

"Well, it's actually quite a funny story, I don't have it here, I've actually never seen what is involved within it. I've only ever heard about it and how vital it is, in fact it is one of the greatest prophets ever predicted." He said as I bit my tongue, holding in my words,

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