Chapter Seven - An escape attempt

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I woke up in a grim cell my head pounding as I rubbed the side of my face. Fuck me, vampires really can throw one hell of a punch I thought as I groaned my head spinning as I tried to regain focus.

I pushed myself up leaning against the back wall as I dusted myself off and pulled my legs into my body. As I looked around me, I shuddered. Gods above these cells were disgusting, but then again not surprising, I was a prisoner after all, I shouldn't be expecting first class service.

Shit, though as I wrapped my arms around my body, all my fucking weapons are gone. I immediately patted my suit down groaning in frustration as I leant back against the wall, but once again I shouldn't have been surprised. Of course, they searched me while I was passed out, they were not going to leave Ezerene's deadliest assassin in the prison with all of her weapons.

I looked around me as I patted the floor down, searching for anything I could use. Eventually I grinned as my fingers wrapped around a small bone that had been discarded on the floor. I quickly turned and gently pressed it against the wall as I filed down the end to a sharp point and tucked it into my suit as I looked around.

I walked over to the door and looked around, as I observed I saw more human guards stood down the hall and I smirked, it's almost as if they wanted me to escape.

Pulling the bone quietly out I stuck it into the lock twisting it until the door popped open gently. Well, that was almost too easy, but then again, I could break locks like that before I had my tenth birthday. I really would have thought a vampire cell would be much more tough, considering the types of people and things they kept down here.

Slowly testing out the door I cursed, why the fuck does it go outwards. Gods above that makes it fucking inconvenient, I would have preferred to do this with the least suspicion possible, but obviously that wasn't going to happen today.

Looking around I saw a stone on the floor of my cell, and I smiled. Grabbing it I quickly threw it out of the metal door as it hit the other door with a satisfying bang causing the guards to jump as I heard their armour clatter nervously.

Clearly they knew who was locked up down here too.

A guard walked up to the door as I smirked at him smashing the door into his face knocking him clean out, I heard the other guard call out as I quickly pulled the bone from my leg and threw it round the side of the door, hitting him in the centre of his head between his helmet as he fell backwards with a crash onto the floor, very much dead.

Looking down I saw only a big wooden spear on the first guard. I rolled my eyes. Not my preferred weapon, but one can't be picky in times like this. 

Fastening it to my back I looked around pulling my mask up, covering my face. I walked over to the other guard as I groaned, why on earth did he have a fucking axe? There was no way I was taking that with me I thought shaking my head as I snuck out the door and rushed up the stairs.

I managed to make it to the top level of the prison before the alarm was raised, the yelling of the guards echoing against the stone walls. Running out past the guards I made it to the training courtyard, or what I presumed it to be. Funnily enough it felt strangely familiar to me, as if I was once again a child again stuck in the snowy mountains, training every day and every night.

Standing in the middle I realised how many guards there actually were, surrounding me slowly in a circle formation. I smirked tilting my head and cracking my neck as noticed a figure walk out onto the balcony above. Suddenly my stomach did a flip, and I felt my hairs stand on end, that must be him. That must be the vampire King, Brand I think Evelyn called him.

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