Chapter Eleven - Clarissa

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I continued to lay on the floor crying in a state of self pity for a while as held myself thinking back to the other morning when I was watching the sunrise with Bethany. Why couldn't I still be there, with her, why did I once again have to mess everything up.

That perfect moment was now gone forever, only to now exist in my memory. My life had now been changed forever, and I would never escape it.

I would never be able to escape anything again.

Now that's fucking irony at its finest. An assassin doomed to never escape. The one thing I had been trained for my whole life, the only thing I had ever been good at was now useless. I was useless, my only purpose now was to serve the vampires.

I refused to accept it.

I was mated to a monster, and not just any monster, the biggest and most vicious of them all. The fucking vampire King. I was going to be stuck here forever, against my will, with people who had wanted me dead. There was no hope for my future, and it was one that I knew I was never going to be free from.

I sighed as wiped my tears sitting up and walking over, pulling my knife out of the door.

As I looked around the room, I noticed a large painting of him on the wall and I scoffed as I flipped the knife in my palm throwing it across the room as it landed directly in the middle of his head. I felt through my suit as I pulled my other knifes out and threw them at the painting, one in the heart and one in the dick. I sighed feeling a little bit better, it felt deserved.

As I walked around, further investigating the room I realised how rich they really were, not that me and Bethany had ever been bad off after we escaped, but this was on a whole other level. 

I walked into the closet as I gasped aloud, there was enough clothes and jewels in here to feed the world three times over, and then maybe even another time. I recoiled as I opened the drawers to reveal masses of crowns, and jewels and I stepped back feeling sick to my stomach.

This was so beautiful, but it was too much, it felt like it was a dream but also a nightmare all at once. It all just felt so surreal, my life had always been about helping the people of Ezerene, giving them everything I had, with no great reward or recognition.

But here I was now, being showered and presented with all the things I despised the vampires for. The things that I assume now belonged to me.

I wondered how many lives had been given for each of these precious gems as I stumbled further back, my stomach turning violently.

I closed my eyes as red flashed in my mind and I realised my dreams had been warning me, this was what was coming. He wasn't something that was going to save me, he has ruined my life. I was separated from the only person that meant anything to me, Bethany, and now I was stuck here, ordered to belong to him. All because of some stuff vampire rule, it was complete bullshit.

Surely, he could bring her here if I am to be here forever? He could do that for me, for his mate surely, if I was to be trapped here. That was one thing that could make it slightly more tolerable at least.

But then I'd have to accept to be his mate and I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't accept that; I couldn't bring myself to be mated to a monster forever.

I don't care how my body reacted to him, I couldn't and wouldn't love him. How could I love someone that I had grown up to despise. A person who has ruined the lives of countless people in his land. I shook my head as I continued through the wardrobe, ignoring the drawer filled with jewels that made me feel ill.

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