Chapter Forty-Six - Evelyns past

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We rode through the forest in complete silence as I shuffled uncomfortably on top of starlight. I could feel Damien's eyes burning a hole in my back, and I knew it was him because Brand was riding annoyingly close to me, glancing to the side every so often, clearly waiting for me to say something. It was very suffocating.

I sighed as the events of the last few days ran through my head, I dont think i was ever going to get a fucking break. I had finally met someone who was close to my mother, but as always, I ended up losing her too.

It was like a cruel joke that the gods constantly felt the need to put me through.

To add even more on top, I had now learnt I am destined to ruin the entire world and that I was going to potentially lose my mind, therefore losing everyone with it. So this day had really topped the worst days ever.

I halted starlight abruptly as I clenched my jaw, my anger finally hitting its limit. "You can either say something or piss off. I'm not riding home the whole way like this, so one of you grow some balls and speak up" I growled turning Starlight around to face them, as they both looked at each other, shocked at my tone.

"Go on, one of you speak. Staring at me won't do anything, so just spit it out." I glared as Brand coughed, clearing his throat, "I'm assuming you got the prophecy? And you mentioned earlier about a different prochy she had shown you, something even we didn't know about?" he said carefully as I sighed running my hand through my hair,

"Yes I did say that, and I'm not sure why you're asking me about the mysterious prophecy, you bastards listened to my private conversation so I would assume you already know." I scowled as Damien raised his eyebrows as me, clearly waiting for an expanded answer,

I groaned as I pulled the scroll out of my pocket, Brand's eyes instantly fixating on it, "I haven't read the prophecy yet. I wasn't allowed to in case Marlene read my mind, but as for the other shit, I really don't feel like talking about it again today." I said final as Brand pulled his horse up next to mine, reaching out for me. As he did I noticed Damine's eyes darted to the bag at the side of starlight, containing the book he had seen me with earlier.

I looked at him as he met my gaze, narrowing his eyes slightly, noticing I hadn't chosen to bring up the book. I quickly looked away from him as Brand searched my face, trying to understand what I was thinking.

"Lillian talk to me, please, I want to help you but I can't do that if you're not honest with me" he pleaded as I groaned,

"Fine, if you want to know so desperately here it is. I am destined to release an insane amount of power, which I have never asked for, on a battlefield, and I will potentially ruin the world with this, causing chaos and untold destruction. Oh and to top it off the whole thing depends on whether I can fight the darkness that will spawn within me from gaining this power." I spat Brand retracting slightly away from me as red tinted my vision slightly,

"Here I am a normal fucking person one day, and now I find out I'm not normal at all, in fact I had been destined since the day I was born to be a freak. To become a being that will destroy the world, and I have had to deal with this change in only a few days. I never asked for any of this shit, and I never wanted to become a part of it all. So try to understand how fucking hard I am trying to deal with the fact that I am not normal, and I never have been, I have always just been a pawn in the gods games." I finished breathing heavily as I felt a tear roll down my face,

"So just leave me alone please, I cannot deal with the both of you right now, this entire revelation is hard enough for me to understand and wrap my head around without both of you constantly pressing me for information. So just stop smothering me and let me fucking be, gods I just cant seem to breathe around you two without feeling contained. Just piss off for once and let me be" I said gesturing to them as I pushed starlight on, catching Damien's eye as I turned, his eyes carefully watching me as they softened slightly at my rant.

I shook my head pushing that look out of my mind as I continued through the woods. Damien was starting to freak me out, he was acting too odd, too weird, his expressions were something that I could easily identify, as if I was looking at my reflection and no one had ever looked at me like that, not even Brand.

My mind flashed back to when I was on the floor in pain, Damien face above mine as he shouted at Sirene, it had looked like he was experiencing the same pain I was in, just by watching me.

A shiver ran down my spine as I calmed my shaking fingers, this was stupid, I needed to get Damien out of my brain. Brand was my mate. End of story. I felt nothing for Damien, nothing, I couldn't. I didn't.

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