Chapter Four - the market

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Evelyn huffed and grumbled under her thick red cloak as her and Hyde wandered throughout the market, the people giving them a wide berth as they strolled around, fear radiating around the village at their mere presence.

"I am so unbelievably bored of this Hyde, we have been through villages and villages for days and there has been nothing, I've had fucking enough, let's just go home I cannot stand the stench of their fear any longer." she scowled as Hyde kept quiet, letting her continue with her rant.

"I hate humans and their pitiful wasteful lives. Look at them all wandering about as if their lives contribute to something or as if they are something important when they could be gone the next minute. I despise it when we are forced to mingle amongst them, I did my time as a human and now I am constantly forced to relive it through them" she snarled as Hyde smiled wryly shaking his head,

"Evelyn, come now. As you so beautifully put, you were once a human too, please do try to remember that we are not so different. I think being a human is admirable. They live every day knowing one day they won't be here forever, leaving a legacy behind them. There's a kind of art to it, as well as that they are the reason we live the way that we do. There is much to learn and of course plenty to take from them" he said winking at some girls sat around the fountain in the centre of the square, who blushed giggling to each other after the slightest attention from the tall auburn-haired vampire.

Evelyn rolled her eyes scowling, "I am pretty sure those air-headed girls have nothing meaningful to give us. They don't seem to be living life to the full to me, practically asking to be a snack, or I'd be willing to bet they'd love to be a little fuck toy for you" she spat baring her fangs and hissing at them, her eyes glowing red within her cloak as they squealed running away in fear, causing Evelyn to inhale deeply, retracting her claws that had erupted from her fingertips.

Hyde chuckled, "Now, now Evelyn play nicely with the little humans and remember our rules. This assassin has taken ten of us down, now isn't the time to be cocky and make our presence known." he said firmly as he watched the towns people scatter in front of them and he sighed deeply, "However, it may be a little late for that last part" he groaned as they wandered round the corner into a small dark alleyway,

Evelyn growled as they stood between the tall houses and she picked at her nails, "If you have such a problem Evelyn then please do enlighten me how do you want to do this. I would rather you share your plan now than me continue to listen to you to do nothing but complain." he said dryly as Evelyn lifted her hood off her head resting it lightly on her shoulders. She shook her head softly as she allowed her ice-coloured hair to frame her pale elegant face as she folded her arms, her gaze cold enough to send a human man into shock.

"Well, he wants them alive, and all the killings have been through stakes or wooden arrows. So, if we were smart about this then I think we should find who in this town is dealing them and scare the shit out of them until they tell us who exactly is buying the items from them." She said plainly as Hyde shrugged agreeing, "And then maybe we just kill them for fun" she said as smiling sweetly at Hyde who shook his head as he sighed.

Him and Evelyn had been best friends for century's now, since they were both young innocent children. And whilst he knew she would never harm him; he would admit he was afraid of her, which was a very wise choice.

As Brands first in command, everyone knew of the power she wielded, and Hyde knew better than anyone from seeing it first-hand on the battlefields they used to share. She never used to be this ruthless, but as they grew and fought together, she had hardened and grown cold. She was not someone you wanted to mess with if you wanted to continue living.

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