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Above is Julie



The rain poured heavily And Mrs. Harrison went round the house ensuring that all the doors and windows were properly shut. Contemplating if she should knock on Gab’s door, she Swiftly decided she’d rather not disturb him.


Julie heart raced as she heard Gabriel scream from his room. Without thinking she swung open his door and put his room light on. She found Gabriel sitting on his bed, panting like if he’s been running for days none stop.

“Gab, what’s wrong?” Julie asked diffidently, partly prepared to be yelled at and drove out of his room.

“Nothing Julie, ” He replied rather calmly, surprising Julie. “It’s just another nightmare.” He informed as he stood up to lock the whistling rainy breeze out his Window.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked slowly. Not trying to push her luck.

“No!” He yelled unintentionally. “Just go back to bed I will be fine.” He exhaled deeply.

“Goodnight then.” She said and slowly, she walked out of his room. “I hope I didn’t say anything to offend him.”  She wondered as she gently closed the door.


It was 6:39am on Saturday morning and the whole neighborhood were busy cleaning their home. Some were jogging while some were walking their dogs.

“The weather is too hot this morning I guess it’s just to dry up the rain water from yesterday.” Julie told herself while humming her favorite song and baking pancakes.

“Morning Julie.” Julie wasn't sure of what she heard. Was Gabriel greeting her or was she hearing things? "Julie!" He called again.

"Uhhhhhh!" She wasn't even sure of what to reply. She was stunned. “It’s a good morning indeed.” She finally said something to Gab but still focused on her baking in other to avoid trouble.

“I’m sorry about last night.” Gab apologized. “And I’m sorry for all the hurtI’ve cost you to endure.” He meant what he said but right now,  to Julie, he sounded like was suffering from a head injury.

Gab doesn’t apologize much but he did, and it melted Julie’s heart. And miraculously all the hurt she felt, dried up.

“Thank you so much.” She smiled at Gabriel at the same time, a tear almost escaped her eyes. “You don’t know how happy you've made me feel. Can I hug you?” She asked daringly.

“Uhh Uhh!" shaking his head dramatically "No, no, no. please Julie let’s skip that part for the far future, ok?” He said smiling and it also made Julie feel at ease.

Being at Peace with Gabriel made things a lot easier for Julie especially around the house. Although she wasn’t sure if he was just putting up an act, she decided not to get too excited.

“Breakfast is served.” She announced. Julie set the dinning table and then they settled to eat right after Gabriel had blessed the food.

After they finished eating, Julie cleared the table and was about to do the dishes.

“I’ll be meeting up with Jason and Andrew later.” Gab informed her “We need to buy some supplies for the party.”

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