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Julie ran into Principal Adams office but it was empty and there was only one place she thought he could be if the curators were around.

She slammed his office door shut and despite the silver sandal heels she wore, she hurried to the library. The school was empty making her every step echo.

She ascened the flight of stairs in the library, to where the dusty shelves were. The shelve was already pushed to the right that means someone was in. she placed her ring on the symbol on the wall and watched the wall open up.

She stepped inside and the wall closed up behind her. She walked quickly down the tunnel as the light lit up before her. She placed her ring again on the symbol at the end of tunnel and it opened up and sucked her in.  Dropping her at the TIME Museum

She grew impatient as she had to go through different doors just to get to where the others were. And finally she was in the meeting room. She made her way to her seat next to her mother not minding the fact that she was late, she let the heels of her shoe steal their attention.

She noticed the curators were complete. Those that were on assignment in different part of the world were present too. Meaning whatever must have happened must be big.

Julie was yet to be told the details but, she could feel the Gravity of seriousness in this gathering and it made her very scared. “What must have happened to cause everybody to assemble? What must have happened to Gab?” Her thought condemned her to more fear.

“Mom,” She called, “What happened to Gabriel?”

“Julie!” Adams called “Rise, please.” He requested.

“Are you aware that Roe is in Cleavon?” He asked.

Now was not the time to mince information “Yes, he invaded my home.” She replied.

“So you are attesting that Gabriel knows about us and the Fiend?” 

“Yes I told him, myself.” she replied getting offended with all the annoying questions.

“And why didn’t you bring him to us, why wait till now?” He questioed further, keeping his anger in check.

“Because, I had to make sure. Only five elders knew about the key. You, my mom, Mrs. Benjamin, Mrs. Sheldon and Wayne Jackson, who has been on assignment in Africa,"  She began.

Wayne Jackson was a very powerful curator and also, one of the oldest. The fact that he's had seen more than four generatios of curators still surprised few members with little knowledge of him, on how young Wayne looked. He was one a few curator whose powers kept them from ageing. As cool as it may sound, this left Wayne emotionally cold. And for most of his life, fighting in battle was what he ever did.

Julie was still demanded to give a convincing explanation to why she kept Gabriel a secret.  She had nothing concrete to say in her defense other than mere suspicion “—And now that key is missing. What would I have done?” she asked.

“You mean you thought we had a traitor in our midst?” Hope Sheldon asked, shocked by the words of Julie.

“Thought? Possibly, I wasn’t going to let him come until I was sure.” She protested.

Adams slammed his hand hard on the table “Your lack of faith has caused Gabriel his life.”

“What!” Julie's bulging eye threatened to leave it socket.

“I’m sorry baby; the key was gone because it merged with Gabriel. I don’t know how it happened but that was what my orb revealed.”

“Mom.” She called, crying.

“I know, Gabriel took it.” a tall, light skinned lady, who looks like she was around Gabriel’s age, wearing a blue pencil jean and a white blouse with her long blonde hair parked to the side, said in an unfamiliar accent.

“What?” Julie gazed bewildered at the young lady who she could not recognize “And who are you to make such accusation?”

“This is Gem, descendant of King Austin. She was my assignment in Africa." A slightly huge man with long white hair, said. "This is not the only place the Fiend are terrorizing. Our town is just the heart of it all. I couldn’t save her parent but I was lucky to have saved her.” He informed.

“Thanks Wayne.” Gem said “You fought bravely even my parent would say the same.” She smiled warmly “Lucy Harrison bequeathed her gift to her son. That’s how he could take the key.”

“Gab could never have stolen that key, he didn’t even know what it was in the first place.” Julie argued.

“I didn’t say he stole the key, he was drawn to it and he took it. His dream was proof. Gabriel is the rightful keeper of the Golden key. He hid it inside of him and he wiped his memory of that day like he did times past.”

"What is she talking about?"  Julie asked her mother, who clearly didn't have an answer for her daughter.

“How do you know this?” Sarah Wilson, Julie’s mom asked Gem.

“I saw it.” She replied “We need to find his mother’s staff. That is the only thing that can bring his spirit back into his body. The Fiends are burning his flesh to harvest the key and if we don’t act fast, they will succeed.” She warned .


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