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Gem and Wayne thought it would be best to leave the Fiend’s Shrine so, they untied Julie and used the portion Gabriel gave them to exit the place.

They appeared in front of the TIME museum’s emergency door. The force of their landing almost caused Wayne to stumble,  he secured Julie firm in his arms even as he tried to straighten himself.

Gem walked forward and punched some numbers on the small touch screen installed on the door. They watched the rusty door creak open and found Sarah, sitting on the floor breathing heavily while attempting  to  bind  her wounded leg with a piece of white material she tore from her vestment.

“Oh my goodness! Are you alright?” Gem asked,  rushing to Sarah’s side.

“Yes I’m—” she drew a deep breath and said “I’m fine,” exhaling.

“You are not fine.” Gem uncovered the wound, the blood there was dark and the flesh around it were wrinkled

“She's been poisoned,” Wayne added “We need to administer something on it right away.”

Ignoring her pain, Sarah flinched on seeing Julie “Is that my Baby?” She asked, trying to stand.

“Careful,” Gem held her up “She’d be fine” She assured.


The people’s screams filled the air as they ran to safety.  The appearance of Bettriza had sent the citizen of Cleavon into their shoe. But it was a great thing Adams and his men were at the party before he arrived. They urged the people to remain calm while they retreat into the O’Donnell’s Mansion.

The perfect anniversary party Linda had hoped for had turned into a blood bath. She trembled with her knees folded and her hands around it while her husband rubbed her back in an attempt to console her.

They were all petrified; none of them had seen a creature like the Fiends before. The safest place for them all was stay inside the mansion, for the curators had placed a protection spell round it which was gradually fading away as they fought to hold off Bettriza. They were no match for Bettriza, and the curators were losing badly.

“You don’t know when to give up, do you?” Emy asked, turning around to see Gabriel standing behind her.

“You know, the crazy thing was that this whole town was looking at us as the ideal couple,” Gabriel replied with a snigger filled with disgust.

“Maybe the town was just stupid.”

Behind Gabriel stood a giant beast in his hellish form.   “We meet again” the bass of Bettriza's voice shook the ground whilst catching Gabriel's ear.  Bettriza found his Fiend form very intimidating to humans, a scare sight to behold. His rocky body were outlined with liquid fire flowing round it. He managed to wear a human face for speach sake but his viking head was only a perfect accessory to his overall appearance.

Spinning to the direction of the voice, Gabriel responded “We do. And, you look very ugly. You weren’t in a good place, now I can see that.”

Bettriza smiled, warding off Gabriel's insult as Roe charged toward Gabriel.

Gabriel stepped backwards, opened a dark, swirly portal and watched Roe accidentally jumped inside it than, he closed it up. “He was always so angry,” Gabriel commented, floating closer to Bettriza and Emilora  “At least, he won’t ruin our party.” he smiled.

Gabriel was indeed enjoying the look on their faces as he flew in circles around them. His dark cape moved with the wind as blue flame served as a base for his feet.

“Arrghh!” Emy screamed, forming a ball of fire with her left hand.

Bettriza stopped her as she was about to aim it at Gabriel.

“Awwwww, Daddy’s little Girl, hasn’t he taught you not to act naughty?” Gabriel, enjoying himself, mocked. Ordinarily, Luzmi was never one to play when in a serious battle. It was never in his nature. Always, he serious but Gabriel, not so much. And now, his true nature had to contend with Gabs'. But one thing was in agreement, he has always been tricky.

“I wonder why you choose to protect this world with all it filth. Join me and together we shall cleanse this world and create a better one.” Bettriza proposed to Gabriel

“That’s a tempting offer but what's the fun in that?” Gabriel replied, bluntly.

Bettriza groaned angrily and his body rose with fury “Then, get lost,” He yelled, flushing out a pool of fire aiming at Gabriel.

He wasn’t quick enough to dodge the attack so he twisted his staff swiftly with both hand causing a tornado to redirect the fire and from behind him, unaware, Emy attacked with the green blazing ball she made with her fist.

Gabriel lost his balance as his staff dropped from his hands. Emy attacked again, fiercely this time, forcing his back to hit hard on the ground. Her blast kept on coming and in an attempt to escape each one, he rolled over, hitting his waist on the rock of the water fountain in the O’Donnell’s front yard.

Bettriza knew the danger if he touched Luzmi staff so, he formed a ring of hell fire around it. The fire was to hot that it burnt through the earth and if Gabriel wasn’t quick enough, it would consume his staff.



Words (885)

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