76. A Writer's Plea

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Me: Oh! Look! It's a new contest!

Brain: Yes, it is. And the answer is no.

Me: Pfft. I didn't even ask.

Brain: Good.

Me: Oh, but look! Look at this prompt! Cool!

Brain: Yes, it is. But no.

Me: But it'll be perfect for a contemporary romance, fantasy novella.

Brain: I agree. But after.

Me: We can juggle.

Brain: Can we? Let's see. We have the One with four more chapters to write. The Second with two more chapters. Three books to update every week. And this new one with 15,000 more words to go.

Me: Oh, right.

Brain: Exactly.

Me + Heart: But!

Brain: *sulks in corner* Fine. Let's do it. It is a great prompt.

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