12. A Writer's Loophole

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Me: Okay, let's get down to business. We've got some writing to do.

Brain: Nope.

Me: All right then, let's do some typing practice to get a rhythm going. That should help.

Brain: Nope.

Me: Right. How about we take out the pencil and write like old times?

Brain: Good try, but nope.

Me: We're outside, breathing in fresh air. Are we ready now?

Brain: Maybe... What if we... Nope.

Me: You know what, brain. I'm going to win this round. Just watch.

Brain: You're not doing what I think you're doing, are you?! ... Of course you are.

Me: Almost there...

Brain: I have no words to describe how I feel about you right now.

Me: Done!

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