22. My Brain, My Heart and I + Bonus

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Me: Is he the one?

Brain: Yes.

Heart: Oh, yes.

Me: So, what do I do now?

Brain: Just go say, "Hi."

Heart: Do it, do it!

Me: *gasp* He's coming this way. What do I do? What do I do?

Brain: Uh...

Heart: Um...

Me: You're both no help whatsoever.


A Reader's Exercise

Me: He did what?

Heart: *cartwheel*

Me: That's so adorable!

Heart: *back flip*

Me: Aw! They're so great together!

Heart: *somersault*

Me: Wait a second! What just happened?

Heart: *stops*

Me: Oh no! Don't cry!

Heart: *sprints*

Me: See, it's going to be o-kay!

Heart: *front handspring*

Me: Phew. What a chapter! Let's take a break.

Heart: *falls backward on ground*

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