Chapter 43

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"When will she wake up, it's been days!" A voice yelled, that echoed throughout the room.

"Calm down sir, even though she had minor damaging it will still take a few days to fully heal." Another voice said.

"Get out of the room." The voice growled as footsteps faded out the room.

Another pair of footsteps drew near you as your breathing hitched.

"What the fuck did you do.." The voice whispered as you felt your hand being squeezed.

"Too tight.." You whispered as you opened your eyes to see Bakugou. He met eye contact with you as tears fell from his eyes.

Quickly he stood up and pulled you into his arms, crying into your shoulder.

"Don't leave me like that again." Bakugou whispered as you rubbed his back.

You didn't know what to say so you stayed quiet, but the moment was soon ruined.

"Sir we have to- SHE'S AWAKE!" A nurse yelled as she rushed into the room. More doctors soon came in, trying to ask you questions.

"She just woke up so don't crowd her you idiots!" Bakugou growled as the nurses backed up.

"We have to check on her sir." A nurse said as she stepped up to Bakugou.

"I will not hesitate to blow you to pieces!" Bakugou said as he held up his hand, making little explosions.

You watched as the nurse backed down and started to think.

"Is the news really true?" A voice said as they walked into the room.

You looked over from the nurse to see FatGum pushing his way through everyone. He ended up sitting next to Bakugou.

"How are you feelings? I'm sorry for leaving you alone but the villain was caught!" FatGum said as you smiled.

"I'm feeling fine and don't be sorry." You said as he smiled back at you.

You watched as one of the nurses walked towards you and started to take out your needles.

"Didn't I tell you to stay-" Bakugou started to say as the nurse interrupted him.

"It's my job, along with if you want her to go back home today then you're going to let me finish." The nurse said as she continued.

It didn't take long for her to remove the needles, making you relax.

"Well Y/N, you're in good condition to go back home, but here's some medication that will help your eyes grow strong again." The nurse said as she sighed a paper, handing you the medicine afterwards.

"Take this once a day until it's gone, and you're free to leave." The nurse said as she walked out of the room.

"This is my cue to leave, stay out of trouble and I'll see you when you're fully healed." FatGum said as he waved goodbye and left the room.

Bakugou stood up and took your medicine, picking you up afterwards.

He started to walk out of the room with you as you rested your head in the side of his neck, enjoying the ride home.


You felt Bakugou stop, causing you to look at him.

"What's wrong bear?" You questioned.

"I can see those idiots in the window, waiting for us." Bakugou said as you laughed and looked over.

You saw your classmates in the building windows, eagerly waiting.

"Why are they not coming outside?" You questioned as Bakugou started to slowly walk to the entrance.

"Aizawa ordered us to stay inside, ever since he heard the news." Bakugou said as you watched your classmates shift to the entrance.

You got off Bakugou and ran into the building, soon to be tackled by your friends.

"You're back!" Sero screamed as he jumped onto you.

You laughed as everyone started to pile on top of Sero, leaving you squished underneath.

"Everyone is twinkling more than ever!" Aoyama said beside you as he twirled around.

Everyone was laughing and enjoying being reunited with their friend until someone loudly coughed, making the whole room go silent.

"What did I tell you guys, I said to not bother Y/N until she's better." A deep voice said, making everyone get off of you as you turned to look.

"Of course he had to ruin the party, Mr. Aizawa you need some sparkles in your life." Aoyama said as he sarcastically faked a tear then snapped his fingers together.

Aoyama, I love you so much for doing that.

You thought as you internally laughed, making sure to keep your composure.

"Students, return to your dorm rooms for the night. You can talk to Y/N in the morning." Aizawa said as everyone nodded, waving to you as they left the room.

You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, lifting you off the ground.

You look as Aizawa walked away and you got carried to your room.

"I can walk you know." You said as the person scoffed.

"Aizawa gave me permission to stay with you until you're better." The voice said, soon you realized it was Bakugou's.

"You would've stayed with me anyways, so don't complain." You said as he opened your door, putting you on your bed.

You laid back as you sunk into your mattress, feeling yourself relax.

"You're going to stay in that or change before you sleep?" Bakugou questioned as you sighed and pulled yourself up.

You walked to your closet and quickly threw on a big shirt, jumping back into bed afterwards.

You felt Bakugou crawl in beside you, pulling you close to his body.

You smiled as you rested your head into his chest.

I missed this feeling..

You thought as you started drifting to sleep, enjoying the moment.

Explosion {Bakugou x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now