Chapter 54

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"Don't let him get away!" Was the last thing you heard before you started the chase, the villain you've been looking for all night is finally right in front of you.. a few feet away. You started exploding objects up ahead for a distraction but whenever they had gone off , he had already passed it. A plan was what you needed and quickly before you lost him.

I can't focus on objects that well at this rate; he is moving too fast for me. I do have the special ability I learned but are we far enough away yet? No.. I need to save it because who knows if I'll even be able to pull it off..

You thought while shaking your head afterwards; he has been running away and hasn't dared to turn around not even once. Is that all he can do while the smoke decoy is busy? You suddenly thought of another theory and decided to test it out. It was better than nothing.. it was better than having him escape at least.

Once the time had come right you locked on and exploded a couple items up ahead, creating a cloud of smoke that prevented him from seeing the path in front and behind him. Within seconds you were in the air, spotting him from the small height advantage you were at. You started plunging down afterwards from the gravitational force which helped you land a powerful kick against his lower back.

The impact of your leg crashing against his back caused you to slightly be pushed backwards; to prevent landing against the wall you tumbled back as you felt your fingernails scraping against the cold concrete to slow down your movements. The feeling of this sent a shiver up your spine as you felt your fingers tingling from the action. A few seconds after you heard rumbling in the distance which snapped you back to reality, only causing you to notice tumbled over boxes with trash scattered everywhere on top.

Where even am I..

You thought as you started looking around while standing up; slowly you creeped over to the pile and peered over the edges of garbage only to see the man underneath it all. Without a thought you impulsively reached out and grabbed onto his shirt, pulling him out as you smiled through the sweat that trickled down your cheeks.

Before you could say anything the man mumbled something under his breath, causing the smoke figure to appear right before you. Your grip only tightened onto the collar of his shirt, dragging him and yourself out of the smoke.

"You little.." You muttered at him, feeling as if smoke was exiting your body. Before you could do anything your attention returned to the decoy, watching a green acid like substance fire from the dark abyss that contained it. The fate was in your hands if you let go the villain would escape or you could bear the attacks from the enemy.. your quirk would be useless in this situation due to it barely having an affect on the decoy.

Quickly you turned your body, letting the attack hit against your arm as you let out a sharp breath. You didn't have much time to think before the attack had reached you but it didn't hurt to fight back in situations like this, the only question was how would you be able to pull it off.

You intensely stared at the decoy while thinking before hearing heavy footsteps above you.. was this another one of his attacks? Adjusting your targeted sight you looked up and started exploding where the footsteps were coming from; suddenly the movement stopped, you thought it was over until you saw someone jumping from the rooftop.

"Don't explode anything, it's me!" A voice shouted from the sky before they started falling back down, the voice seemed familiar to you but your head was rushing with thoughts from everything that had happened. Once you saw his face you recognized it was Midoriya.

"You're supposed to be protecting-" You started to say as Midoirya landed on the ground but he immediately cut you off.

"The paramedics have arrived already.. I came to help you." Midoriya said while catching his breath before looking at you with a small smile. You slightly nodded, relieved at the help that came and knowing Bakugou is in good hands now.

You stood there for a moment, wiping the sweat from your forehead before you heard Midoriya talk.

"Why are you holding a shirt if I may ask?" Midoriya questioned and you furrowed your eyebrow, looking over to see it was just a shirt in your hand, not the enemy. Out of frustration you threw the shirt to the ground and looked around before hearing a stumble in the distance.

You immediately leaped into action while hearing Midoriya right beside you; it was him but how did he escape.. you would have felt him moving.

Midoriya jumped in front of you, dashing towards the noise before you saw him go out of sight but before you could catch up to him, he yelled something.

"Use your new attack Y/N! Use the ball of flame!" Midoirya shouted in the distance; why would he want you to use it.. he will get hurt.

"Are you crazy?! You'll be injured Midoirya!" You shouted back while getting closer to him, sprinting to try and help him.

"Do it Y/N! It's our only hope at catching this guy!" Midoirya shouted once again as you were able to see him in your line of vision now. He locked eye contact with you, giving you more of a begged look as he held the enemy on the floor.

You had no other choice, it needed to work this time. You took a deep breath while relaxing your body, focusing on the flow of your power while feeling the energy gathering up. You've been waiting for this moment since the beginning of the night and it has finally come to you. As you opened your eyes you watched Midoirya slightly smile while shielding his face from what was about to happen. Within seconds you watched the line of fire shoot from your eyes to Midoirya and the villain.

When the attack hit them a big ball exploded into the air, lighting up the night sky while you grabbed onto the edge of the brick wall. A heavy gust of wind blew in your direction as a reaction to the explosion that just happened.

After a few moments you watched the attack calm down but the area around you was now on fire, the flames were quickly spreading to the rooftops. You had to get out of the area but you weren't leaving without your friend.

"Midoriya!" You yelled while running towards where he last was but it was all covered by fallen debris. You fell to your knees and started digging, throwing pieces behind you while tears started to escape your eyes.

Please be alive..

Those simple words were the only ones you could think of in this situation, this cracked and crumbled area was your doing and now your friend is trapped underneath it all. Did he have to pay with his life to capture this enemy or was he still alive, still breathing under all the destruction. You couldn't decide between your options with the scenario in front of you. Do you need to run, seeking for help while risking his possible last seconds or do you need to stay put to help save him?

Explosion {Bakugou x Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon