Chapter 5

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"Let's see how you can act under pressure. Against someone with a similar quirk, you'll be fighting me." Bakugou said as he walked towards you.

"I don't think that's a good-" You started until you got cut off.

"Better stop talking and run!" He said as he blasted an explosion at the ground in front of you, causing you to tumble over.

You looked at your surrounds and quickly scattered to your feet.

You ran over to a barrel and tried to focus on it.

Like he said, imagine it-

You thought before you cut yourself off, a big explosion went off in front of you.

You stumbled backwards but managed to stay on your feet.

As the ashes and dust blew away you looked to see Bakugou standing there, wide eyed.

"That's enough you two." Aizawa said as he walked over.

You stood there frozen at what you just did, blurring out Aizawa's conversation.

I just did that, and I wasn't angry, maybe it's because I was scared.

You thought as you looked up to see them walking away.

You walked over and grabbed your backpack, then soon hurried to catch up.

"Bakugou." You said as you walked towards him.

He stopped walking and turned around to look at you.

"Can we train again together one day?" You said, he just scoffed at you and started to walk away.

"Please!" You said as you ran towards him again.

"If I say yes will you leave me alone." He said, you could tell he was annoyed.

You nodded your head, then extended your arm.

He stood there confused for a minute.

"Give me your phone so we can train together again." You said in a stern voice.

He took out his phone and handed it to you, watching your fingers move across the screen.

After, you handed it back to him and watched as he disappeared around the corner.

You fixed your backpack around your shoulders and started to walk home.


You opened your front door and walked inside.

You spotted bags on the kitchen table, along with a note.

You placed your bag down and walked over to table, to read the note.

'Y/N, I had to leave already but I went out and got some groceries to hopefully last.
I'll see you once I get back!

You put the note down and started to unload the groceries.

As you were unloading you felt your phone start to ring.

You grabbed it out of your pocket and checked the number.

It's a random number.

You thought as you answered it.

"Hello?" You said as you placed the phone on your shoulder, balancing it to your ear.

"Hey Y/N! It's Sero, I got your number from Bakugou." Sero said, you smiled through the phone as you continued to put the groceries away.

"That's good!" You said as you closed the refrigerator and walked upstairs.

"How was training?" He asked.

You took off your shoes and jumped on your bed.

"I don't know, I think he was trying to kill me." You said as you starred at your ceiling.

"I WASN'T TRYING TO!" A voice said in the background of the phone.

"Sorry, Bakugou is over and he has a loud mouth." Sero said, causing you to laugh.

"IF YOU DON'T SHUT IT." Bakugou yelled again in the background.

Sero seemed to ignore what he was saying and continued to the conversation.

"Do you want to come hang out tomorrow, though I don't think we can stay here." Sero said, you got an idea and looked around your room.

"Sure, we can hang out here because my mom is gone for a few months, so it's just me." You said as you got up and put your phone down, putting him on speaker.

"Sweet, we will just follow you after school." He said as you started to change.

"Sounds like a plan!" You said as you threw your clothes to the corner of your room and grabbed your phone again.

I don't know why but I trust Sero, even though I just met him today.

You thought as Bakugou was yelling at Sero.

"Y/N I'll see you tomorrow, I have to deal with this guy." Sero said before hanging up.

"Ok, bye!" You said as he hung up, you went and saved his number in your phone before dropping it beside you.

You looked out your window into your backyard, looking at the equipment.

You sat up and walked downstairs into the backyard.

You stretched your arms as you tried to train.

"Focus, focus." You repeated to yourself as you closed your eyes.

Soon you opened them and focused on the target you wanted to explode.

You thought of the explosion like Bakugou told you. It didn't work the first few times but after a while, the object exploded.

You felt a smile form across your face, as you jumped in place.

"Now if I can get faster I'll be unstoppable!" You said under your breath as you looked at another object.

You focused on a metal pole, thinking on how it would explode.

It took a minute before it exploded, leaving you sitting on the ground.

You tried to regain your vision, as it was a little blurry.

What I need to work on is building up my vision strength. So I'll work on little objects and build up strength to move onto bigger objects, along with my reaction time.

You thought as you stood up and walked back inside, heading upstairs.

"The bigger the object, more of the power." You mumbled under your breath as you walked into your room and fell onto your bed.

You looked over on your nightstand to see your glasses.

Your mom bought them for you whenever you overused your quirk. They would help until your vision came back, because it would never become permanent.

"Whenever I need them I'll wear them." You whispered as you turned over to your side, slowly falling asleep.

Explosion {Bakugou x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now