Chapter 10: Broken Secrets and Promises- Louise's pov

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Talking to Joseph, even only for a short breath, helped take my mind off of my unfair punishment. My own step father fired me. I couldn't tell Joseph I'd gotten fired. I wanted to tell him to just pour my emotions out. I wanted to tell him how it made me feel, to just spill my emotions out. But I couldn't, it'd only make me appear weak on the outside. I'm sure Bea already heard the news from a maid or cook. They gossip immensely, or so I'm told by my own maid.

As I catch a bus home, I don't even think about confiding in anyone about the unfairness. Speaking about it to anyone just makes me feel worseless.

He flat out stated that a woman's purpose should be at home taking care of the children and house. It's expected of course but how could I just sit back and act as if I'm nothing more than a pretty, foolish porcelain doll for the rest of my life?

This is how Hamlet must've felt after being stabbed by the poisonous sword.

Even though his character is fiction, I think I'd prefer to be in his position more. I was the only journalist who was a woman at Jacob's newspaper company. The fact that I was fired in front of all of those entitled men at work was humiliating. I'm not even a bad writer, I'm sure of it.

Thirty men's eyes nailed into me as my father stood tall above me. Among those, Barry sat wordlessly in shock. I'm almost sure he agreed with Jacob.

I suppose I could search for another newspaper company to work under but who'd accept me as a journalist? They know my last name all too well.

I'll just have to go at my plan without anyone's help.

"Jacob told me what he did at work today!" He didn't waste no time telling her. Although, they've probably been discussing my place for months.

Finally coming to the conclusion that my use is better spent at home than at the office. Beatrice takes my pancho from me, hanging it up on the golden coat rack."It's injustice is what it is!" I storm past Bea following mother to the balcony. My mother's eyes peer down at Manhattan. She winces away looking sickly.

"Why are we out here mother? I know how being up high makes you feel queasy." She shakes her head walking closer to the glass doors. "Our maids are too nosey Louise and I wish for them to hear none of our private words. "If you mean Beatrice, she's promised not to tell anyone what we tell her. She's our loyal friend, mother." My mother straightened out the edges of her pink dress.
"Louise, that woman is not our, she is our maid. I wish you didn't go get yourself attached to her. Once she earns enough money, she and her kids will move far far away from us." Her voice is stern yet shaky.

Beatrice promised to live closeby when she earned enough for her and her kids to live together in America. As of now her three kids are living with her sister and her husband in Italy.

"Louise, to be completely frank with you, your father fired you because he thought you'd be better suited at home." I exit the balcony into the warm penthouse.

"Louise, please stop this instant." She orders me. "Me and your father just want what's best for you and your future."

"Jacob is not my father nor will he ever be!" My face burns in fiery anger. "Calm yourself Louise," Mother whispers, taking a step towards me.

All of a sudden I hear a soft clank. Looking to my left we find Ruby and her shattered doll.

Her face is still in complete shock. Neither of us say a word to her. Our mother and Jacob haven't even told their daughter that her dad isn't biologically mine. "Bea told me to tell you that dinner is ready." Her voice squeaks.

"Very well, I'll fetch Beatrice or Marie to clean up your doll. I don't want you cutting yourself on the shards." Ruby's eyes just stare up at me all innocent.

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