Chapter 25:The Fight- Joseph's Pov

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"I suppose you're right there Barry." Hartley shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Barry takes a seat on the other side of me. "You mind giving me and Little Italy a moment?" The ship hits a bump in the water but my breathing has uncontrollably quickened in anger.

"Alright, holler over at me and I'll be over here if you need me Joseph." Hartley's eyes hold mine for a second before they dart away with the departure of his feet. There's an eerie silence between us for a few seconds before Barry says, "You remember me don't ya?"

"I'm not sure were you the asshole who in so many words told me to go back to my own country?" I spit out.

"The fella does in fact sound like something I would say but I'm sorry to tell you that it wasn't me." Barry shrugs with an unapologetic smile.

"Well look in the mirror, maybe you'll finally recognize him." I begin to stand. Barry joins me. "Look, don't go getting your tongue all twisted up. I can report your crude behavior back to the colonel." His nose is flared.

"Are you that slow? Do you know exactly why I'm on this ship to my imminent death?"

"I know why he let you go to find that expensive blue diamond. The colonel has bigger plans for you than you're aware of Capurso." I pinch my eyebrows in confusion.

"Think of me as your guardian angel." He pats my shoulder and I shake him off. "You are no savior to me!" I turn to look out at the several navy marine men who stand talking and smoking roll ups.

"What if I told you Louise was on board this very steamer?" The blood drains from my olive complexion.

"I don't have time for your lies." A tight feeling finds its way to my stomach. "You believe me. I know you do because all the anger on your face immediately left and was replaced with concern when I mentioned her." I sit myself down.

"I'm not going to pretend to not care for Louise. Not anymore." I swallow hard. "I care about her more than I care about myself." I look down at my dusty boots.

"I figured you did after I found out the real reason you didn't show up to meet her at the theatre."

"I care about her too and once I find that diamond I plan to come home and marry her. If she's foolishly wandering off in Italy looking for her maid who's probably dead, then that can't happen." He sits back down. I stand back up and he follows.

"Have you ever asked Louise what she wants?" I say. "What do you know about love Capurso? From what I've heard your father despises you and you'll probably live at home with your poor parents for the rest of your miserable life. I mean after you ignored what Louise wants she despises your guts." If a physical fight is what he's looking for then he better prepare himself.

"I don't blame her for never looking you in your guilty eyes again. After All that's what you and family are. Guilty." He laughs like he's made a joke.
"I sure hope you said your final goodbyes to your little brother because you won't ever see him again. First he loses Lisa then you, that shit is traumatizing, no doubt." That was the last straw. I don't even care to ask how he knew about Lisa.

My fist flies straight for his boney jaw, knocking him back a bit. I've never been in a physical fight before but watching pa has prepared me for this moment. All my anger and frustration in the world has been finally released. I can't control myself anymore.

A crowd has gathered around the two of us as Barry prepares himself. His fist swings towards me but I luckily dodge it.

Hitting him again after Barry's next attempt, I burst his lip open. Dark, red blood oozes down his lip. He spits the metallically tasting blood back at me.

"Joseph, cut it out! Let's talk as two grown men," pleads Hartley who stands behind me. Ignoring him I dodge an angry Barry. My anger is consuming me as I punched one of my demons.

I'm doing better than I'd expected. Immediately after that thought, my confidence dwindles when I see Louise out of the corner of my eye. Her eyes show fright and concern. But for who?

After seeing her my anger and hatred disappears. I drop my hands not prepared for the hard fist to my nose. As I stumble back a bit I feel blood dripping down my nose. My hand goes up to my nose feeling the warm liquid. Before I can look up I'm kicked in the side and shoved to the ground. I cough in pain and all I hear are echoing voices.

Barry picks me up by the collar, sending another blow to my neck. I cough and choke for air. My body feels limp but all I see is her face. Her arms are on Barry's shoulder trying to shake me loose but he's too strong.

"Let him go! Please, you're going to hurt him!" She cries. It's too late for that.

"Stay out of this Louise!" He shakes her to the ground next to me. She falls to the ground in a loud clunk. My body lunges to her side but a foot kicks into my side. Thankfully, Hartley runs to her side helping her up. Her cousin wastes no time sending her to the back of the crowd with some of the nurses.

"There's no need for violence Barry." Hartley talks calmly.

Lifting me up so he can whisper into my ear he says, "I have my reasons for doing things and today was an important one." He throws me to the hard ground.

As soon as my body hits the cold floor I wince in pain. My left eye is almost swollen shut as I stare up at the ceiling of the steamer. Every part of my body has been frozen in pain.

"First fight goes to this young gentleman." I heard a deep voice yell as the rest went back to their business. They act as if it's a common thing here.

"Joseph? Joseph?" I hear Louise cry as I turn my head to see her kneeling by me. Her voice echoes in my ears as if I'm dreaming.

Tears are in Louise's eyes as her fingers gently cradle the side of my face. She examines my face carefully trying to wipe the blood off any blood with the sleeve of her dress.

I wince in pain as I try to stand up. A few nurses stand behind Louise, waiting for her to move so they can examine me themselves. "I'm fine." I try shooing her hands off of me even though I'd like them to stay. Her face looks traumatized as she scoots back from me.

Hartley and another man end up having to help me to the infirmary since I can't walk on my own. It's my fault. I should've contained my anger and hatred towards that stronzo and I wouldn't have been left half alive. Louise has disappeared which makes me feel even worse because part of the reason she looked traumatized was because of me. 

"Don't ever do that again. I can't have you dying on me Joseph." Hartley sits in a chair by me as a couple of young nurses examine me. I try to get up from the cot I was placed in but an older nurse refuses to let me get up.

"Here's a bucket to spit out the blood." A younger nurse hands me a metal bucket. Instead, I threw up my breakfast from this morning. I notice Hartley cringing back so I move the bucket away.

"I'll let you rest pal." Hartley begins to stand up when I say. "Can you check on Louise for me?" Hartley nods with an empathetic smile. "Of course I was headed there next. Before I go hearl myself." He cracks a laugh.

I manage a smile but it hurts to smile. "Want me to transfer her a message?" He asks.

"Tell her I'm sorry and that it wasn't her fault so she should stop blaming herself if she is." I spit more blood out into the bucket before he leaves. "Drink this!" I'm handed a warm liquid before the nurse patches me up to the best of her ability.

"Sleep Mr. Capurso. You'll damn well need it." And with that the nurse exits the empty infirmary.

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