Chapter 28: Leaps of Faith-Louise's pov

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My eyes snapped open to a dark closet with the sound of a loud boom. The loudest thunder anyone would ever hear. I felt cold water flowing under my body and smelt saltwater. Cranking on the flashlight that was heavily stocked in the closet, I looked out the small window. I noticed a small bright light at the other side of the ship but what was happening? It was colder and most of my arms were exposed with my navy blue button-up dress.

More water surged in from underneath the crack of the door. The ship was bombed and it was going under fast. I quickly slammed my body against the wooden door but it wouldn't barge open.

"Shit!" I curse out of frustration. Why the hell did Barry have to lock me in the closet? All that's in here are rope, flashlights, and forest green life preservers. How is that useful for getting out?

The frigid water is now up to my ankles. If I don't get this door open now it's going to be nearly impossible to open with all of the water weighed against it.

Rushing back over to the window, I peer out of it seeing dozens of men on row boats. They're leaving. Quickly flashing my flashlight to them in hopes of them seeing me, it ends up failing.

My light isn't bright enough for them to see and I'm going to die here. "Help! Someone help! Please! I'm locked in here!" I cry out. For a second I think my good ear hears a faint voice but it then fades which makes me believe it's the rising waters.

I decide on my next attempt to escape by using my foot to push out the door. Giving it one hard kick, I'm surprised when the door flies open.

I laugh hysterically out of surprise. "I knew there was a God up there!" I yell, grabbing the life preserver and tying it on me. "Never doubted you for a second!" I say out loud to myself. And yes of course I did doubt you God. Sorry.

Before leaving I grab my flashlight, holding it close to my chest.

"Let's find a way to get yourself out of here before the ship drowns Louise. Does that sound like a good idea?" Pure adrenaline runs through my body as I stumble out of the hallway. The water has risen to my knees now. The ocean sea water has soaked my blonde waves. It drizzles on me from the ceiling above me.

The water isn't as cold as the time Ruby and I fell into the lake and I lost my hearing in one ear, but it's cold enough to give me a small cold.

I turn down another hallway looking for a way out but this damn ship is still a puzzling maze.

There's no one in sight and all I see is darkness. If it weren't for the stars and moon shining from the outside windows, my flashlight would be my only source of light.

My heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest with the fear and anguish that I'm feeling, stumbling through the dark waters. It's like I'm in one of my nightmares right now and I swear for a second that maybe I am dreaming. But then a large chair knocks into me pushing me down into the rushing water.

It takes me a second to return to the surface. The waters have now risen to my waist. What frightens me the most is how quick the waters are rising and I can't find a clear exit. I'm breathing heavily from being under the cold water.

Just when I think I'm done for good, a faint, familiar voice echoes out at the end of the hallway.

"Joseph!" I cry out.

"Louise, is that you?" His voice is urgent as he rushes over to me. It's slow since the water is so forceful.

It takes a second for me to grab his hand since the water is at my chest now. His strong arms pull me forward to him. Hartley is waiting behind him with a rope wrapped around his waist. I notice Joseph has the same rope around his waist. The rope travels out all the way up and out an emergency exit.

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