Chapter 29:The Sailor's Disappearing Act- Joseph's Pov

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The stench of ocean saltwater and smoke entered my nostrils, making me sit up immediately. I'd unintentionally fallen asleep with Louise's sweet storytelling. Before exhaustion took over me a group of men from the ship fastened a rope to our own and pulled us behind them.

Hartley and Barry had been nowhere in sight, which had rendered enough apprehension inside my stomach.

I lift a hand above my face shielding my drowsy eyes from the sun's rays. After my eyes have adjusted, I allow them to survey the shore where our boat has drifted. To my relief, I located a few of the familiar empty boats from the steamer that sank. But where were the remaining survivors? The beach had a few soldiers on there but the uniforms were foreign.

Beside me in the worn boat, Louise was nestled asleep in a tight, shivering, ball. A thin piece of blonde hair rests on her nose complimenting her naturally beautiful complexion and features. I carefully leaned down, moving it out of her face before gently waking her up.

She jerks up, alarmed, searching around. "Where's my cousin?" I shrug and take another glimpse around. "I don't know."

"Barry?" Louise's almost dried hair has curled up making her hair appear much shorter.

"They're all gone." I sigh, puzzled as to why the sailors who were pulling us had now abandoned us.

"And you didn't see Dorothy, the nurse, in any of the boats?" Louise's face wears a mask of concern.

"No, but I know she made it out. She's strong so there's no need to worry now. We'll find her." I promise, trying to keep her calm. Louise nods even through all of her uncertainty.

With weak legs, we step out of the boat onto the damp sand. My black boots squish along the grains of sand to a few conversing soldiers with rifles.

"Hello? We were just on the steamer that was just bombed." My voice calls out to them.

Oblivious of us before they rush over to us with their long guns raised to us.

"Joseph." I hear Louise whisper behind me. "No, it's fine, I'll just explain to them what happened." I whisper back.

"It, um sank so that's why we're here. I am Leonardo, but my buddies call me Leo." I reveal my silver dog tag that hangs around my neck like a noose. Leo is pa's name and since I have to be a spy for the colonel, the cruel man thought that name fit me well.

It's an unfortunate irony since pa has been pushing for me to be a part of this life-threatening war.

"Ennemis ou alliés?" A soldier around my age yells out at me. I step back with a quick hesitation. "Louise, we might have a problem. Germans." I think they're speaking German. Of course, I've never really heard the language spoken.

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed Joseph." Louise's voice mumbles from behind me. "I'm sorry, I'm a little scared," I let out in defense.

"Regretting not staying home?" Louise contradicts me. She's a whole lot calmer than I am.

"Ennemis ou alliés?" The same soldier says only this time harsher and louder.

"Nous sommes américains." Louise speaks up, stepping in front of me. That's right, I forgot she practically knows every language in the world.

"Américains?" He asks. "How do you say yes in German?" I ask standing behind Louise. She turns back to me and whispers, "They're French, idiot. They're allied with Americans." I sigh with relief. "Sorry, I'm not smart like you, Miss Einstein?" I roll my eyes.

The four sailors lower their guns. "Pourquoi ton ami là-bas est-il habillé si drôle ?" One of the sailors asks, looking over at me with a laugh. "What'd he say?" I mutter, a bit troubled by the fact that I don't understand.

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