Chapter 47: Home Sweet Home- Joseph's Pov

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It'd been nearly four years and I had finally returned home. Home. That word felt strange to me since it took so long to get here. Hartley had stuck with me after I healed. He was a good friend to talk to when my loneliness and sadness slithered in. The army that found us in France let us live the rest of the war in their country. We gave them fake names of course and began helping them fix their steamers and whatnots.

A year after I was shot, Hartley received word from army buddies back in the United States that the majority of the internment camps were being closed down. I knew Louise would be waiting to hear from me but I couldn't risk writing to her or my family since her father and the colonel were still lurking. Everytime I'd mention writing one to them, Hartley would stop me and tell me it's better we remain in the dark. I'd been in the dark too long.

Remembering Louise's promise to me before we parted was the only thing keeping my candle lit. I had to hold onto hope until the day that I could return.

Today has finally arrived. The war was over, news circulated around of the brutal murder of Jacob Decker and the birds were chirping. I never even imagined how this war would go or end and how I was thrown within its tight grasps. After these four long years all I have to say is that this war changed me. I'm not who I used to be. The events that I witnessed, the traumatizing deaths and injuries that hit me like a large boulder. My friends, family, enemies and lover were among those.

The bus drops me off in the busy cheering streets of the Bronx. "Take one fella," a slender man in a green military uniform slides a beer bottle in my hand. "You look like you need it more than I do." I nod my head towards him. "And thank you for your service, mister." He tips his hat at me before bouncing off to a group of pretty women.

Nervousness creeps up on me as I step in front of the place I'd never thought I'd ever see again. "Capurso's Furniture Store."

My eyes begin to feel moist as I think about seeing my loved ones begin. Pulling my military cap deeper on my head, I walk in.

A familiar scent of comfort enters my senses. "Ma? George?" I pause in place. The store is completely empty of people. Are my parents and George out celebrating in the streets? They've got to be. Every single person in the United States is right now.

"Sorry, we're closed right now. Come back tomorrow." A deep voice comes from up the spiralling staircase. Even that creaky, wobbly staircase brings me joy.

A man declines the stairs with a quick step. When he gets to the bottom he stops abruptly. It's George who I had mistaken for a man. But I hadn't mistaken him, he was in fact a man now. His chubby, freckled, boyish cheeks had been replaced with a masculine mature face. My fourteen year old brother is grown.

"Joseph, you- you're back, you're alive!" Before I can respond my brother's arms are around me. "I told you I'd come back." I sniffle into my brother's shoulder. "It didn't have to take four years," says George, laughing through his tears.

"When did you get taller than me?" I released my brother. "I was always taller than you, Joseph." We both laugh. I wipe my tears away with my sleeve. "I'm sorry I didn't ever write back. Well you see it just wasn't safe and I couldn't risk you and everyone's safety." George shakes his head with an unapleased smile.

"We don't need your protection Joseph. Not anymore. What we need is for you to rest. It's long overdue." George looks over at me with relief. "Besides, I'm a man now." George tilts his head up confidently. "What are you seventeen now?" My brother just shrugs. "Not quite there yet," I wink.

"I beg to differ." I hear ma say from behind me. Besides a crying mother stood the little girl who was separated from her family on the train. Viola is much older now.

"Ma," I ran into her arms crying. Her warm arms wrap around me with the most comfort that I've felt since being shot back in France. "Mio figlio," bawls ma.

"Am I dreaming?" I step away from her. "No, this is all real, ma. I'm home and for good." I grab both of her hands. "Joseph, you look the same." Viola, who is now about ten years old, smiles up at me. "You remember me?" It feels like such a long time ago but that six year old must have a good memory. "How could I forget the beautiful drawings you showed me? Not to mention the pretty girl you drew. It felt like a relief to finally meet her." My throat goes dry.

"Louise?" My voice is weak. "She's so kind and always brings us the best sweets to enjoy. Last week she took George, I and her sister, Ruby to go see a picture. They are a bit in love with the Wizard of Oz. We've gone to see it at least four times," giggles Viola. "I- that's." I sit myself on the same peach couch where Louise first taught me American Sign Language.

"Louise actually taught me English. She's extremely- ''''amazing with languages." I ponder out loud.

"I'm back!" George hops on the peach couch with a black leather book in his hands. "Why haven't you sold this ugly peach couch yet?" I looked down at the couch. "Well, it's still in good condition and you see no one wants to buy this hideous piece of shi-" Ma immediately covers Viola's ears for her innocence.

"Language Georgie," scoffs ma. "Yeah, Georgie!" I butt my brother jokingly in the arm.

"Gosh, here just take this." George hands me the black leather book he was holding. "What's this?" I open the book's binding to find that it's a sketchbook. It looks similar to the one I had before George tossed it out the bus window. "You told me whenever we got home I owed you a new one. It took you a while but now that you're home I could finally pay up." George hangs his head down.

"When did you buy this?" I flip the book around. "As soon as the train dropped us back in New York City. After, um after you and pa arrested you." George's voice cracks.

"I'm sorry I dropped it out the window." This guilt has been on him ever since I was forced to leave him. "It was just a sketch book George. It wasn't a big deal." I pat my brother on the shoulder but it doesn't seem to cheer him up.

"But I knew how much you spent on it and when they arrested you and sent us home I felt so bad. You had always made sure I was well taken care of and I just wanted to do something for you for once. But you were gone for three years with no communication!" George's voice raises in anger and pain.

"Oh George." Ma places a hand on her heart. "You know it wasn't his fault. I'm proud of my son and all that matters now is that he's returned. I love you Joseph." Before pulling me into a hug, ma lowers my head and places a kiss on my forehead. George and Viola soon join the group hug.

"Where's pa?" I wasn't sure where he was. Work maybe but who was on a day like this?

Ma releases me. "Let's go on a walk mio figlio."

~                    ~                    ~

Chapter posted: 10/23/2021

Ahh so Joseph finally returned home to his family. I've been waiting forever to write their reunion. Their relationship is really important to me and I've enjoyed writing them. Let me know what y'all thought!

Until next time. . .

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