Chapter 45: Pinky Promise- Louise's Pov

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My heart thumps into my ears as I stumble down the rocky hill. Countless swaying trees envelop around me as my eyes dart everywhere for Joseph. My line of steps is marked by the red iridescent sky. It's as if I'm running through the fiery pits of hell right now.

"Joseph!" I pause in place to see if I can hear him.

"Joseph," I called out again but still, no response. I'm about to start running back with fresh doubt of Barry killing Joseph when I hear two faint voices in the distance.

As I near a grassy cliff, I find Barry arguing with Joseph. More like yelling than arguing. But then I see something that causes me to hinge at the sight. Barry aims Joseph's grandfather's gun at Joseph's head.

"You don't have to do this Barry," Joseph pleads with hands raised. "You don't understand Joseph. I need this money, my family needs it. We're in debt you see and if I can't marry Louise, then I'll take the diamond for myself." The more steps Barry's feet take towards Joseph, another step back he takes. He's getting too close to the edge.

I duck and run closer to them. "Louise would never forgive you if you do this." Joseph's feet halted in the dirt. He has to know how close he is to the edge.

"She will with time." Barry's face looks all pale and sickly. Eyes red with tears making him almost appear insane. No, not almost completely.

Little events set him off. Like back on the ship when he beat Joseph to a pulp. Was the man ever well to begin with?

"Once I kill you, any ounce of memory of you will be forgotten." His hand shakes as if he doesn't actually want to do it. Barry was always flames, and no violence, not until Joseph came into our lives.

My heart beats out of control as I think of what to do next. Placing a hand over my heart, I suddenly feel something hard. My eyes dash down to find the diamond necklace around my neck. Joseph must've placed it around me after I'd fallen asleep. But why? We had a plan so why the hell was Joseph going rogue?

Still shocked at how eroded the chain is and how it hasn't broken to pieces, I take it off. I know what I need to do.

"Barry!" I raise my voice, stepping out from my hiding spot. The gun whips to my face and I pause looking in between the gun.

"Louise, get out of here!" I don't leave despite Joseph's shouts.

"You want this." I let the necklace dangle in front of me. "Not Joseph's life." I talk to him in a calm manner.

Hartley's knife is switched open behind my back ready to fight. No matter how far my hatred for Barry is, I don't want to kill him. Not if I don't have to.

Barry lowers the gun.

I quickly maneuver my feet so I'm standing in front of Joseph. I have Joseph follow me forward a bit so he's not so close to the edge. A waterfall thrashes loudly off the lift into a deep pool of water. A rather beautiful sight for a tragic time.

"Give me the necklace and then we can all walk away unharmed." Barry holds his hand out for the necklace. I'm not as simple as he thinks I am. Barry always had the diamond in grasp since we met up. He's going to kill Joseph regardless. Perhaps even me.

"Give it!" His voice rises a bit in chilling anger. "Then we'll pretend like this never happened and go back to the way things were."

"Don't do it Louise. He's lying. He'll just take it back home with you so that he and Mr. Decker can use you," Joseph explains from behind me. I know it. It's me who has to have possession of this diamond in order to free Joseph's family.

"What about your poor imprisoned family Capurso? Is Louise really worth more to you then them? Did your father knock the living shit out of you back at the camp? Is that it? I recognize an abusive father when I see one. Trust me." Silence. I glance back at Joseph who looks probably sicker than I do right now. His father hit him? How could someone hit a person so pure and sweet? But Joseph wasn't the only one. From what has just been said Barry went through it too. Did the abuse make Barry who he was today?

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