Chapter 12: A Woman's Power and Privilege- Louise's Pov

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The very next morning I awakened from a repetitive dream. Of Joseph. He turned me down over and over again, telling me I'm a waste of time. It's just a dream, I remind myself. The more I think about him the more wary I feel.

Scooting to the edge of my bed I stretch out like a cat. My eyes trail to the rectangle windows. The sun from this morning's sunrise illuminates across my face.

I've been on an early sleeping schedule for work so I can't find sleep later than eight. Now that I'm misfortunately unemployed I need to begin my plan on becoming a war correspondent. It's nice how this rolled out because now I can become my own boss.

"Why are you up so early Louise?" My mother yawns, tugging her pink, silky rob closer to her. She shuts the door to her bedroom.

"Why are you up so early Mildred?" I contradict her. "Watch your tone missy and it's mother to you." Sighing she places a hand at the small part of my back leading me to the eating room.

"Marie! We're ready for breakfast." Mother calls out to one of our maids. "Is Beatrice off today?" I inquire looking around for her. "Yes, she said she was feeling under the weather today." I nod.

Marie, a young, pale woman rushes out with a silver platter. "I hope the omelets are to your satisfaction ma'am. Beatrice was still teaching me how to perfect them."

"Was? Is she no longer assisting you?" I ask, taking a bite of the eggs. I taste a hint of tomatoes and spice. It's delicious.

"It's perfect, thank you Marie." With fear behind her eyes, Marie scurries back into the kitchen. Marie is one of the new maids here, and being new and unprepared isn't something my mother has much patience for.

"Look, I'd like to discuss our fight yesterday," starts my mother not touching her food.

"Okay, I'm all ears, well one." I point to my non hearing ear. My mother can't help but laugh. "You were always a little minx." I shrug.

"I'm sorry we fought yesterday. I know how difficult things have been for you as of recent events." She takes my hand.

"However, I still think you should stay home so you can prepare for a proper suiter." I rip my hand out of her's. "I know that's your wish for me but I'm not ready for marriage and a family." I explain.

"I agree with you darling. You are entirely too young and immature. I want to teach you the duties of a housewife." Even the word housewife sends chills of anxiety down my spine.

"I'm not Daphne, mother, she was almost willing to leave school and marry her longtime sweetheart. I don't see how she was thrilled to stay home from school." I ramble on.

"I want you to listen to me Louise. If we come to an agreement I'll allow you to return to work with your, with Jacob." She corrects herself. "As his personal servant? I'd rather jump off of the Brooklyn bridge into the freezing water." I set my fork down.

"This is the best offer I can give you and I do it because I love you. I only do what's best for you. I know from the look in your beautiful eyes that resemble your true father so much, that you think me as a bad mother. One day your children will give you that similar glance of resentment and you'll reflect back to now and remember what it means to put your children first." I shake my head.

"Will I have to tell this to my son? Or will it just be to my daughter? They both deserve their own choices in life not the ones society decides for them." Standing up, I'm stunned to hear not a single word coming from her.

"Thanks for the talk." Grabbing my pancho, I put it on without haste. Without another word, I leave.

The subway to Capurso's Furniture Store takes me a little while so I decide to write a diary entry. Today, I've noticed that there were more cars out than there had been since Pearl Harbor was bombed. I heard on the radio last night that there were even women working in factories to help out. Men are being drafted out to war each day with hopes to end this cruel war. The universe is definitely rearranging itself right now.

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