Chapter 16: Prison Jumper- Louise's Pov

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Unfortunately, my escape plan sunk like the Titanic. My mother figured out my plan when I was about to leave my bedroom. She didn't know where I was planning to go but she had an idea.

For the next three weeks mother had one of the new maids that replaced Bea watch over me. It was like I was a princess and she was the queen and I was trapped in my quarters for being too adventurous. I was even under house arrest and could leave if only she or Barry were accompanied with me. That woman is hellbent on me marrying that pig. So I've had no choice but to stay locked in my bedroom all day.

As soon as her trust in me increased after a few weeks she let me come out of my room freely. The dramatic imprisonment punishment made me gander that it was Jacob's idea.

So being the night of the third week of housebound, I found my opportunity to escape. Ruby tried her best to convince our mother of letting me out of the house. Of course mother threatens her with the idea that she'll turn out a wild scamp like me if she keeps defending me.

With the rusty clock's hand in the hallway moving to midnight, I find my chance to escape. With my suitcase in one hand and my train ticket in the other, I escaped quietly out the door unnoticed and boarded my train to Montana.

It'd take a few days to arrive at Fort Missoula which gave me more than enough time to think of a plan. How was I to free Bea? Hell I might as well think of a plan for Joseph's family. I should've been figuring out this in the prior weeks of my imprisonment but I was too distracted on my escape plan.

Colonel Harrison would have to listen to reason. I could just convince him to release her? Maybe I was much more naive than I thought. What if I come all this way and there's nothing to be done? My writing might not be able to save them like it saves me in my worst times.

Whatever he decides, I won't go down without a fight.

Later, almost three days later, the train arrived at Fort Missoula. Out my window I see soldiers guarding the prisoners in larger towers. A group of men are kicking a ball around in a field. They laugh and joke around with each other while they kick the ball back and forth. How could you still laugh when you've imprisoned away from your loved one? Maybe it wasn't as bad as I'd imagined before.

Who wouldn't want to be at home rather than here?

"Staying on or getting off Miss?" A male attendant asked, interrupting my thoughts. It appears that I'm the last person onboard. "I'm sorry sir. Thank you." Standing up I pull my suitcase from the overhead compartment.

As I climb off the train and into the train station, I notice how pleasant Montanna's late March morning air is.

When I approach the entrance by the metal gate, an older soldier spots me and escorts me inside.

"What can I do for you today miss?" He asks as we enter a very bright building. Large, extended windows from the ceiling shine down on us.

"My name is Louise Decker and I'm looking for my grandfather, Colonel Harrison Decker." At the mention of the Colonel's granddaughter, he shakes my hand eagerly.

"Welcome Ms. Decker. Allow me to lead you to his office." As we make our way down a musky smelling hallway, a few flirty nods and winks are thrown at me from a few young soldiers. I can't say I'm not used to it but it does make me feel nervous. I wish they'd keep their pervy eyes to themselves.

Eventually we arrived at the Colonel's office. The soldier gives the door a couple of knocks before walking in. "It appears he's out. Would you like to wait outside his office for his return?" The soldier nervously places his hands behind his back.

"Is it alright if I walk around and come back later when he's in his office?" The soldier is hesitant before answering my question, "you're a young woman and I think you better stay near his office just to be safe." At least he's thinking about a woman's safety right?

"I'll go see if I can find your grandfather. Stay put!"

"Of course!" I smile a youthful smile at him.

As soon as he's out of sight I walk in the opposite direction. I'm on a mission without a real plan. Where do I even start? Searching through the colonel's office files now is too risky. I can't risk him or anyone barging in, while I'm searching through his desk. His office appeared locked, so I'll have to find a spare key when he's gone.

I could discreetly ask around for a key but how? I'm really starting to regret coming here without a fully developed plan.

Before hurrying into the ladies room I bump into a familiar face.

"Louise? What a wonderful surprise," said my lanky cousin. He's not really my cousin, biologically but he doesn't know that.

"What are you doing here?" He hugs me with short arms. My cousin always picks out his short height but I think it isn't something to worry about.

"Just visiting grandfather and grandmother. Maybe even write some story articles." I smile. "Oh do you mean the Colonel." He reminds me of the ridiculous name the Colonel makes me address him by.

"Nope that name doesn't ring a bell." I sarcastically admit.

"That's swell of you to pay us a visit, how long are you here for?" He asks leaning against the brickwall.

"Not sure yet. My visit was a last second trip. I hope to get a lot accomplished while I'm here at Fort Missoula." And I do. Finding a way to free your beloved maid and your friend and his family will be a tricky mission.

Beatrice was more than just a maid to me though. She was like a mother to me. Then there's Joseph who I've only known for a short while, and well if he and his family are truly innocent then I should try to help them as well. After all, they were so kind to me three months prior. 

Suddenly a thought hit me: what if my cousin knows about her whereabouts? If not he's got to know where the key to the Colonel's office is.

"Are you busy?" I inquire.

"This kind man is grandfather's new assistant." He begins. "He already has another assistant? Poor man."

"My thoughts exactly. Anyways he's teaching a English language class down the hall to some prisoners. As I ran into you I was headed there. Since you take a liking to learning languages, maybe you'd like to join me. We can just sit in the back." He told me.

"Hartley Hansen," I pause with a hint of a smile. "You know me too well."

~ ~ ~

Chapter Posted: 4/18/2021

Hi, sorry my posting schedule is off so I'm about to post a few more chapters! Are y'all shocked about Hartley being Louise's cousin. What do you think will happen next?

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