Chapter 42: The Past is Not the Future-Louise's Pov.

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While Beatrice fetches me a drink of water, I sit silently on her uncomfortable couch. Every part of my body sweats effusively, making breathing troublesome. And, despite the fact that my ears ache with a burning sensation, I'm still convinced that my nervousness is to blame for these symptoms; not my fever.

"Four of my six children are at school so it's just the two of us," smiles Bea, waiting for me to join her at the kitchen table. "My other two are married."

I didn't know some of her children were that much older.

"What about your husband? Is he..." I pause mid sentence, realizing that my next word isn't a reminder my friend may not want to hear.

"Dead? No, he's quite well and went to find work down south." I nod apologetically. "He'd just gotten let go when I was... when I was deported back here." Her head bows down, not looking me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Bea. I never wanted you to leave, not like this." Tears threaten to run from my eyes.

Beatrice's frail hand slides across the table, taking mine in her's. "It's not your fault my sweet Louise. From what those two boys told me about you, you've been my brave girl." She corrects herself, "Woman." I smiled up at her. "But who am I to believe these two men? I've known it after all this time."

I was terrified that when I finally found her, she'd be disappointed or disgusted with me by the mess Jacob and the Colonel had thrown her in. But I should've never had my doubts. Afterall I made a promise to myself that none of this was my fault. That difficult part is accepting the truth.

"I see that look in your eyes il mio bambino. Do not blame yourself for my position. Guilt is something that can swallow you whole." I look down at my hands still feeling bad for everything that has happened to my friends. I wished I didn't know them. Maybe they'd be safer than they are today.

"Let me ask you this: You found the diamond that your cousin told me about?" I nod.

"You've helped that kind Joseph and his family earn their freedom?" I nod again.

"Did you get anybody's stories at that prison camp that I was supposed to be sent to?" My eyes remain on my hands but I still nod. "It wasn't just Italains who were being wrongly accused and imprisoned, Beatrice." I finally looked up at Beatrice. Her eyes are steady on mine.

"There were Japanese men there and they were all innocent." I take a sharp breath in, my hatred refueled.

"So what are you going to do with the knowledge you've collected?" There's a change in Beatrice's voice. It's serious and forthcoming.

"I'm going to tell the world about it. I want Jacob Decker and Col- William Decker to pay for what they've done!" My blood boils just by the thought of them. I'm done blaming myself for all of this. Jacob Decker, a well known, corrupt, newspaper company owner who's taken everything he's ever yearned for; William Decker, a ruthless military man who retaliates with the pain from his brainwashed past.

"My mother needs to leave him. I mean if I return with the story I plan to write exposing him and his father, she or Ruby could be in danger. He'd be even more powerful once he has that expensive diamond in his grasp," I rant trying to figure a way out of this mess.

"Then don't give him the diamond," states Beatrice bluntly. "But what about Joseph and his family? They've been allowed to return home but they're prisoners in their own home. Not to mention Jacob would shoot Joseph cold in the head as soon as he steps foot through America's front door." I feel my heart beat increasing. I can't let Joseph die, not after all we've been through together.

I never thought I'd ever acknowledge my real feelings for him. I'd always cared about him in a way but it was more than that now. I told him that I loved him and I meant it.

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