Chapter 7 (Summer)

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River's POV

Summer had flown by and soon we were shopping for school supplies. We walked inside the bookstore going to the second floor, where we told Draco to meet us. I watched as he entered the shop with his father, who walked up to our mother before Draco walked upstairs.

"Hello, Draco," Blaise said,

"Hi," I said, looking up at him. He had grown much taller over the summer, just like Blaise. I, on the other hand, had only grown to be 5'2.

"Hey," he said, looking between Blaise and me. His eyes lingered on me, moving away before Blaise noticed.

"How was your summer?" I asked him.

"Fine, Dad got annoyed that mudblood got better scores than I did," Draco muttered, leaning against the railing.

"But, he bought me the new broom. I also got one for you Riv," Draco said, bumping his shoulder against hers. Blaise watched them, scowling.

"Why did you buy her one?" Blaise asked. Draco shrugged.

"We're both going to be on the quidditch team. I bought brooms for everyone," Draco said, Blaise nodded. We watched a crowd from around Gildroy Lockhart.

"Ladies and gentlemen! What an extraordinary moment this is! When young Harry here stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me, which, incidentally is celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop The Daily Prophet's Bestseller List he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected works! Free of charge! "Lockhart said, after grabbing Potter, close to him. Potter put on a bright smile as he was handed all the books.

Draco started going red, glaring at Potter. He stormed down the stairs, with us following behind him.

"You have these, I'll buy my own- "Potter said, putting his books in a cauldron that belonged to a small ginger girl.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page." Draco yelled, towering over Potter.

"Leave him alone! He didn't want that!" The girl said, glaring at Draco.

"Look Potter, got yourself a girlfriend?" I said Potter went a little red as Mr. Malfoy comes up behind us.

"Silence kids, Mr. Potter, I don't believe we've met," Mr. Malfoy said. He sticks his hand out, grabs Potter's face, and pushes his hair away from his face with his cane, letting Potter's famous scar show.

"Forgive me, Mr. Potter. But your scar is a legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you. "Mr. Malfoy said, admiring Potter's scar.

"He was a murderer," Potter hisses. Potter looked over at me, probably wondering why I was with Mr. Malfoy.

"Yes, a pity about your parents. Curious that you, yourself, should escape with a mere flesh wound. Curious, too, that you speak of him in the past. Surely, you don't think He-Who-Must-Not-Be- Named is gone forever. "

"His name is Voldemort," Potter replies, and several people gasp.

"You must be very brave, Mr. Potter, to dare speak his name. Or foolish. "Mr. Malfoy said.

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself," Potter answered.

"You must be Miss Granger. Draco's told me all about you... and your parents. Muggles, aren't they?" Mr. Malfoy said, looking over at the muggle family at the end of the bookshop.

"Ron! Harry! It's mad in here. Let's go outside." An older ginger-haired man said.

"Well, well, well, Arthur Weasley,"

"Lucius," Mr. Weasley said,

"Busy time at the Ministry. All those raids. I hope they're paying you overtime." He said, before reaching into the girl's bag and picking up an old book.

"Obviously not. Dear me. What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it? "Mr. Malfoy said.

"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of the wizard, Lucius." Mr. Weasley spat.

"Clearly. The company you keep, Weasley. And I thought your family could sink no lower. "Mr. Weasley came to hit Mr. Malfoy, until Hagrid came over and grabbed Mr. Weasley, stopping him from hitting Mr. Malfoy, who had the same exact smirk Draco always had.

"Ignore 'im, Arthur," Hagrid said, as Mr. Malfoy throws the book into the cauldron.

"Here, girl. Take your book. It's the best your father can give you." I looked at the ground. I knew Mr. Malfoy could be very mean, but he was always kind to me and Blaise.

"Let's go, kids, you guys are having dinner with us tonight, since your Mum needed to leave," He said, putting a hand behind Draco's back and leading us out of the shop.


We sat in Draco's room before dinner. I sat on his bed as the boys sat at a small table in his room, playing wizard chess.

"Don't you feel bad for what your father said to Mr. Weasley?" I asked, not being able to stop myself.

"What do you mean, the blood traits?" Draco said, scoffing.

"Well, it was a little mean," I said,

"He was being honest! If that man can't take it, then that's his problem," Draco said, rolling his eyes. I signed and looked at Blaise for help, who just shrugged.

"Okay," I said, dropping the subject.


We walked to the train the next morning; we stood with our Mum trying to say goodbye, who had tears in her eyes.

"Mum, we'll be back for Christmas soon," I said,

"Yes, I know, maybe I should get another husband," She joked. I laughed as Blaise rolled his eyes, not looking amused.

"Mum, if I have to be another best man to someone I barely know, I will ruin the wedding," Blaise said. Mum patted him on the back.

"Okay, Blaise, stop crying about it. I'm just joking." Mum said, hugging him before coming to hug me. We waved her goodbye before walking onto the train and finding an empty compartment in the back of the train.

Draco walked in a second later, followed by Theo, who was just as tall as Draco, and his hair had grown longer. I was wondering why all the boys had grown so much taller than us.

"Hey, Theo!" I smiled at him. He smiled sitting down next to me. Draco looked between us, an angry scowl on his face.

"You seem thrilled to see her," Draco snapped. Theo looked at him, confused.

"Yes? I guess I am?" He said Daphne, came in before Draco could reply, and squished herself between Theo and me, looping her arm through mine, grinning.

"I missed you so much! How was your summer?" She said,

"It was great! How about you?" I asked,

"We spent it at my aunt's house in France, quite boring at times," she said. She glanced down at my chest.

"And you got boobs," She whispered. I could still see Theo blushing lightly.

"Yes, say that any louder, Daphne," I hissed. She giggled as Pansy came walking in and glared at Theo.

"That's my spot, get up!" She hissed, and he glared back at her.

"What, this is not your spot!"

"These two are sitting here, so that means that's my spot. Now get up," She hissed. He signed and stood up. She smiled and plopped herself next to Daphne, putting her head on Daphne's shoulder.

"I missed you guys, but I want to go to sleep now," She whispered.

The Forgotten Potter- Draco MalfoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora