Chapter 28 (Year 4)

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River's POV

I sat there frozen not being able to take my eyes off of the piece of parchment in Dumbledore's hand, as I felt several pairs of eyes on me. 

"Potter's!" Dumbledore yelled, I didn't remember standing up from my seat, and walking up to Dumbledore but suddenly I was taking the piece of parchment from his hand, and he was pointing towards the door.

"Well, through the door," Dumbledore said, his face expressionless

We walked into the back room, where the rest of the champions stood waiting for the judges. They were all surrounded by the fire; they turned to look at us surprised.

"What is it?" Fleur asked,

"Do zey want us back in ze Hall?" She asked, we both stood there unable to understand what had happened, as they looked at us confused. We heard the professor's running back in.

"Extraordinary!" Ludo Bagman said, as he walked in, eyeing both of us.

"Absolutely extraordinary! Gentlemen... lady, May I introduce — incredible though it may seem — the fourth and fifth Triwizard champion?" He said the champions looked at us shocked. Krum eyed us with a dark look. 

"Oh, vairy funny joke, Meester Bagman," Fleur said, tossing her hair back.

"Joke?" Ludo said, shaking his head,

"No, no, no, not at all, River's and Harry's name was just called out," He said, clapping us both on the back.

"But evidently zair 'as been a mistake, they canot compete. They are too young," She said, shaking her head.

"Well, it is amazing," Ludo said, I chewed on my bottom lip nervously watching them fight. 

"But, as you know, the age restriction was only imposed this year as an extra safety measure. And as their names come out of the goblet... I mean, I don't think there can be any ducking out at this stage.... It's down in the rules, you're obliged... you too will just have to do the best they can-"

He was cut off as Dumbledore came running in angrily; he grabbed both of us, and pinned us to the wall, holding us by the shoulders.

"Did you two enter your names in the goblet!" He yelled, 

"No!" we both yelled.

"Are you sure?" He asked, as Snape grabbed my arm, pushing me behind him. 

"Professor Dumbledore, I can assure you, River would never join this tournament," he said.

"What is ze meaning of zis, Dumbly-dorr?" Madam Maxime said, Dumbledore breathed heavily, and let Potter go, composing himself again.

"I'd rather like to know that myself, Dumbledore. Three Hogwarts champions? I don't remember anyone telling me the host school is allowed three champions — or have I not read the rules carefully enough?" Karkaroff laughed, making me nervous,

"C'est impossible," Madam Maxime said,

"'Ogwarts cannot 'ave two champions. It is most in just," she said,

"We were under the impression that your Age Line would keep out younger contestants, Dumbledore," Karkaroff said.

"Otherwise, we would, of course, have brought along a wider selection of candidates from our own schools."

"Did you ask an older student to put it into the Goblet of Fire for you too?" Dumbledore asked, we both shook our heads,

"No," We both said,

"Ah, but of course they are lying," Madam Maxime said.

"He could not have crossed the age line," Professor McGonagall said.

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