Chapter 29 (Year 4)

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River's POV

"Are you kidding me?" I said, laughing as I walked into Draco's room, looking over his shoulder, as he sat on his desk. 

River Potter! Slytherin Champion.

and on the back was

Harry Potter Stinks!

"They are nice, right?" Draco said, smiling as he picked up one.

"Made them myself... with Blaise and Theo," he said,

"There passing them out now, with Crabbe and Goyle," 


"Want one Granger?" Draco asks Potter, showing the badges everyone was wearing as we stood outside of Snape's classroom.

"I've got loads. But don't touch my hand, now. I've just washed it, you see; don't want you sliming it up," He said, Potter grabbed his wand, pointing it at Draco.

"Harry!" Granger yelled,

"Go on then, Potter," Draco said, taking out his own wand.

"Moody's not here to look after you now — do it, if you've got the guts-"

"Furnunculus!" Potter yelled,

"Densaugeo!" Draco yelled, jets of lights shined out from both wands at the same time, they hit each other in midair, before bouncing off each other.

"Ow!" Granger was on the ground, as Goyle fell on the ground, boils covering his face, as Granger covered her mouth,

"Hermione!" Weasley yelled, running up her, her teeth were now almost up to her chin and kept growing. He tried to drag her hand away, but she wouldn't let him.

"And what is all the noise about?" Snape yelled walking in, everyone started talking to everyone quickly, Snape shushed them pointing a finger at Draco.

"Explain," He said,

"Potter attacked me, sir-"

"We attacked each other at the same time!"

"and he hit Goyle — look —'

"Hospital wing, Goyle," He yelled,

"Malfoy got Hermione!" Weasley yelled,

"Look!" He yelled, Snape smirked at her, Daphne and Pansy were giggle in the corner as I rolled my eyes.

"I see no difference." He said, Granger whimpered before running down the corridor. Weasley started shouting at Snape,

"You stupid, piece of-"

"Let's see, Fifty points from Gryffindor and a detention each for Potter and Weasley. Now get inside, or it'll be a week's worth of detentions." He said we all ran in the room and sat down quietly.

"Antidotes! I want them now!" Snape yelled, we all took out our things, quickly. There was a knock on the door before Colin Creevy came in.

"Yes?" Snape said,

"Please, sir, I'm supposed to take Harry and River Potter upstairs,"

"River go, Potter still has an hour of potions," He said, I stood up grabbed my things and stood next to Colin who wasn't budging.

"He will come upstairs when class is done,"

"All the champions have got to go, I think they want to take photographs."

"Very well, very well!" Snape yelled,

"Leave your stuff here, I'll test your antidotes later,"

"Please, sir — he's got to take his things with him,"

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